The networking part of it is absolutely fundamental, Dr Lefevre says. 人脉部分绝对是根本的,勒费夫尔说。
Online teaching is expensive, Dr Lefevre says. 在线教学是昂贵的,勒费夫尔说。
From that single subject, Dr Lefevre started developing the Global MBA. 从这个单一学科起步,勒费夫尔开始开发全球MBA项目。
There is still a market for traditional classroom-taught MBA and executive MBA programmes, Dr Lefevre adds, but he is convinced that online teaching will become the dominant method. 勒费夫尔补充说,传统的以课堂教学为主的MBA和EMBA项目仍有市场,但他坚信,在线教学将成为主导的方式。
When you put them together, their differences is what they are talking about, Dr Lefevre says. 当你把他们聚在一起时,他们之间的差异是他们谈论的话题,勒费夫尔说。
In Paris, horizontal skyscrapers and parks could cross the ringroad to link the city with its suburbs, says Lefevre. 勒费夫尔表示,在巴黎,地平线上的高楼大厦和公园可以穿过环路,将城市和城郊连接起来。
Literally drunk with success at his banishment, Livermore ( according to LeFevre) confidently tackled Wall Street& intent on cleaning up in the market. 利弗莫尔被这种禁入陶醉了(李费佛说的),他自信地决定去征战华尔街&他想横扫市场。
Papillon Lefevre syndrome: report of two cases 掌跖角化牙周病综合征2例
The basic theory of this thesis is environmental sociology and it will combine social space production theory by Henri Lefevre. 本文以环境社会学为基本理论基础,结合社会空间生产理论,讨论了内蒙古额济纳旗生态移民问题。