This uncertainty of income, tremendous pressure for results, and long hours can make for a high-stress occupation, Legge says. 莱格说收入不稳定、大量压力、超长工作时间造成了这份高压力的工作。
This is often a very thankless job, Legge says. 莱格博士说饭馆服务员是个费力不讨好的工作。
One thing I see a lot in entertainers and artists is bipolar illness, says Legge. 莱格说我经常见到艺人和艺术家患两极化(抑郁和躁狂)疾病。他们的精神紊乱很多未被诊断或治疗。
The vessel's senior officer, Commander Bruce Legge, said the war games were an effective way to build trust and friendship. 瓦拉蒙加号舰长莱德说,联合演习是双方间建立互信和友谊的有效渠道。
Among all the translators, James Legge is undoubtedly the most influential character. 在所有译介中国经典的人物当中,理雅各是最具影响力的。
Today, the development of Chinese Church of Christ part of belonging to James Legge heritage. 今日中国的基督教会的发展部分属于理雅各的遗产。
On Translation Strategies of James Legge's Tao Te Ching 论理雅各《道德经》译本的翻译策略
If the specter of James Legge's coming out in such a monument today to prove our existence, this may be Legge left us beyond we have known in a variety of his heritage. 如果理雅各的幽灵现身于这样的纪念碑,来确证我们今天的存在,这也许是理雅各留给我们的,在我们已知的各种遗产之外的又一笔遗产。
Social Pictures of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties in James Legge's Book of Poetry 理雅各《诗经》英译本所绘夏商周三代社会图景
Confucian Analects is a book with copious scholarly notes literally translated by James Legge who aims to convey the meaning of one of Chinas classic works. 里雅各所译《论语》的特点是具有详尽的学术注释并采取直译方法传达原意。
Comparative analyses of legge's and baynes'versions of book of changes 理雅各、贝恩斯《周易》译本比较分析
James Legge and His Translation of Chinese Classics 理雅各《中国经典》翻译缘起及体例考略
, are obtained through statistically averaging the corresponding microscopic quantities. This scheme is validated to simulate a steam plume around a water jet into vacuum, and the calculated Pitot pressure distributions in the radial direction agree with Fuchs and Legge's measured data. 为了检验稀薄蒸气算法、模型和程序,模拟了真空水射流周围水蒸气羽流场,获得的径向Pitot压力分布与Fuchs和Legge的实验数据的符合。
An Assessment of James Legge's Translations of Some Idioms and Allusions in Mencius 析论理雅各对《孟子》中些许成语典故的翻译
Legge tried to interpret it faithfully to the original text as much as possible in both its contents and language forms, and thus it is regarded as the standard one. 理雅各《周易》英译本力求忠实于原文,无论是语言内容还是语言形式,所以它被推为最权威的译本。
The Trend of the Cultural Combination of China and the West in the Religious Thought of James Legge 理雅各宗教思想中的中西融合倾向
A Comparison of Confucian Analects Translated by James Legge and Ezra Pound 理雅各、庞德《论语》译本比较
Comparative Studies on James Legge's and Cary E.Baynes 'Translations of Book of Changes 理雅各、贝恩斯英译《周易》比较研究
Legge translation of "The Analects" has significant features: first: borrow heavily from the Analects of Confucius translation of ancient Note insightful and thorough understanding of "The Analects". 理雅各在《论语》的翻译上具有显著的特色:第一,大量借鉴古注对于《论语》的翻译,对《论语》的理解透彻精辟。
But its inadequacies, is that Legge is a missionary, missionary thinking is reflected in every translation. 但也有其不足之处,首先在于理雅各是传教士,译文中处处体现其传教的思想。
Second: Legge to take the literal translation, does not change the original meaning, and trying to be consistent with the original format, this point done a good job. 第二,理雅各采取直译的翻译方式,不改变原文的意思,并试图在格式上与原文保持一致,这一点上做得很好。
In his comparative study of religions, Legge exhibits his inextirpable exclusivism in his belief in Christianity; however, in his evaluation of Confucianism, he took a change from derision to respect. 在比较宗教方面理雅各体现出难以根除的基督教排他主义,而对孔子的评价却经历了从嘲笑到尊重的变化。
One comes from a western translator-James Legge and the other comes from a Chinese translator-Ku Hung-Ming. 一个来自于西方译者&詹姆斯·理雅各,另一个来自于中国译者-辜鸿铭。
Finally the influence of ideology, poetics and patronage on Legge and his translation is analyzed in the framework of the rewriting theory. 最后在重写理论的三要素框架下依次从意识形态、诗学因素和赞助人方面分别探讨相关因素对译者及其译文的影响。
The third chapter makes a comparison between the two versions from three aspects, which are the comparison of language, translation method, translation strategy through analysis of example sentences of English Version of The Analects by James Legge and Ku Hung-ming. 第三章通过理雅各与辜鸿铭《论语》英译本例句对比,从三个方面,即语言、翻译方法、翻译策略探讨了两英译本特色。