His score of 29 had helped Leicestershire reach a presentable total 他拿下29分,帮助莱斯特郡队获得了一个不错的总成绩。
Paul Wenlock, head of Leicestershire Police's economic crime unit, said the site had been a 'huge success'. 莱斯特郡警方经济犯罪科的长官保罗文洛克说,网站获得了巨大的成功。
Leicestershire police said it hopes it will prevent criminals from benefiting from their loot. 莱斯特郡警方表示,希望这会阻止罪犯从赃货中获利。
Mrs Drabble, of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, said: It was a breathtaking experience-I was actually crying at what I saw. 这位来自兰开斯特郡Ashby-de-la-Zouch的Drabble夫人说:这真是激动人心的体验当我看到那些海豚时我哭了出来。
Rutland used to be the smallest county in england, but in1974it became part of leicestershire. 拉特兰曾是英国最小的一个郡,但1974年成为莱斯特郡的一部分。
The aim of the Partnership is to create a framework for the improvement of the economic prosperity of Leicester and Leicestershire. 委员会的宗旨是为莱斯特市和莱斯特郡的经济繁荣创造环境。
An industrial city on the river soar in Leicestershire in central england; built on the site of a Roman settlement. 英格兰中部一工业城市,位于莱斯特郡绍尔河畔;该城建立在罗马人居住地的遗址之上。
This study was funded by the Leicestershire Neurological Trust, a Registered Charitable Organization in the United Kingdom. 该研究由莱斯特郡神经基金资助(在英国一个注册的慈善组织)。
We went to the Leicestershire Museum and Art Gallery first. 我们参观了莱斯特博物馆和艺术馆。