But Lingham, alongside co-founders CJ MacDonald and mark Levitt, wanted to avoid expanding too quickly. 但林厄姆以及联合创始人麦克唐纳和马克·莱维特都希望避免公司过快扩张。
Last year's prize in chemistry rewarded three scientists, Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel, for work leading to the computer programs used today to predict the outcomes of very complex chemical reactions. 去年的诺贝尔化学奖授予了三位科学家,马丁卡普拉斯、迈克尔莱维特和亚利耶,因利用电脑程序来预测复杂化学反应结果而分享奖项。
Gross and Levitt find fault primarily with sociologists, philosophers and other academics who have questioned science's objectivity. 格罗斯和莱维特主要对质疑科学客观性的社会学家、哲学家和其他学者进行批评。
The lesson is obvious for anyone worried about climate change, say economists such as Steven Levitt. 史蒂文•莱维特(StevenLevitt)等经济学家表示,这给任何担忧气候变化的人提供了显而易见的教训。
Fryer and Levitt argue that the elimination of the test score gap that arises by the end of junior high school may be a critical component of reducing racial wage inequality. 两人认为,在初中结束前消除考分差距,可能会是减少种族工资不平等过程的一个重要组成部分。
Perhaps most importantly, in the debate over neighborhoods or schools, would be a concentrated focus on reducing racial and ethnic discrepancies in test scores, according to the economists Roland Fryer Jr. of Harvard and Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago. 也许最重要的是,在社区或学校的讨论中,把侧重点放在缩小不同族裔的考分差异上,哈佛大学经济学家小罗兰·弗赖尔(RolandFryerJr.)和芝加哥大学经济学家史蒂芬·莱维特(StevenLevitt)说。
You might reasonably wonder what could be learnt, even if Levitt and list do get enough people to toss the coin and follow through. 你有理由怀疑从这项研究中得能出什么结论,即便莱维特和李斯特确实吸引到了足够多的人参与抛硬币并按照所得结果行事。
Increasingly it is poorer and less educated black Americans who use "typically black" names, according to research by Steven Levitt, an economist at the University of Chicago. 据一位芝加哥大学的经济学家考证,使用“典型黑人式”的名字的美国黑人们越来越穷,教育程度也越来越低下。
Madge took Levitt's advice, retreating as fast as she could, and dragging Jeanie along with her into a sort of recess. 玛吉听从莱维特的劝告,尽快地拉着珍妮走进一个跟耳房差不多的地方。
Levitt and Venkatesh found that the supply of street prostitution was highly elastic in response to a demand surge. 莱维特和文卡特斯赫发现,面对需求的激增,街头卖淫的供给极具弹性。
Levitt is bullish about the project. 莱维特对于这个研究项目很有信心。
If Levitt and list do attract the genuinely undecided, they will be able to observe genuine causation in action: was asking for a raise the right decision or not? 如果莱维特和李斯特确实吸引到了真正无法做出决策的人参与研究,他们就能观察到行动背后的真实因果关系:例如要求加薪是否是一个正确的决定?
After the second half begins, prices start to drift again, just as Gil and Levitt found. 正如基尔和莱维特所发现的,在下半场开始之后,价格又会开始变动。
Levitt and Gil had conducted an earlier study in rather thinner betting markets, and found that prices jumped immediately after a goal, but they then drifted further in the same direction. 莱维特和基尔小规模博彩市场上展开了早期研究,他们发现,在进球后,价格会马上跳升,但之后又朝着同一方向进一步移动。
As for the idea that turning the lights up and down makes a big difference, Levitt and List conclude that existing descriptions of supposedly remarkable data patterns prove to be entirely fictional. 至于调节照明强度会对工作效率产生明显影响的观点,莱维特和李斯特的结论是:现有一切对所谓非凡数据模式的描述,完全是虚构的。
The wage structure within the factions appears to be surprisingly flat, far more so than in the American gang analysed in2000 by two academics, Steven Levitt and Sudhir Venkatesh. 帮派内的工资结构竟出奇的平衡,远胜于学者史蒂文•利维特和素德赫•文卡特斯赫2000年所分析过的美国帮派。
But Levitt maintains that the research intent is serious, and I am inclined to agree. 但莱维特坚持认为,这项研究的目的是严肃的,而我也倾向于认同这种说法。
The American scholar T. Levitt in 1973 firstly used the definition of "Third Sector", which was a general designation of the social organizations between the governments and private enterprises. 第三部门(Thirdsector)的概念由美国学者T·列维特(T.Levitt)于1973年首次使用,用以统称处于政府和私营企业之间的社会组织。