Librium, he said, made him feel very tired, and valium made him depressed. 他说,“利眠宁”让他感觉疲乏,而“安定”则令他感觉消沉。
A tranquilizer ( trade name Librium) used in the treatment of alcoholism. 治疗酒精中毒的镇静剂。
Based on the thermodynamic principle that all species of solution are in simultaneous equilibrium, this paper has analyzed the thermodynamic equi-librium of Cu Fe S Cl H_2O system and represented it by constructing the potential pH diagram of chalcopyrite-Cl~ H_2O system. 本文基于溶液各组成同时处于平衡的热力学原理,分析了CuFesCl~-H2O系的热力学平衡,从而绘制了黄铜矿Cl~-H2O系的电位pH图。
Shoreline change numerical simulation and equi-librium SHORE-ARC analysis of embayed muddy coast 港湾淤泥质海岸的岸线变化数值模拟和平衡岸弧分析
When R_0 < 1 there only exists a globally asymptotically stable disease free equi-librium p~ 0; 1时,仅存在无病平衡点P~0;