The newly-occupied Italian colony of Libya rose in revolt in 1914. 意大利新占领的殖民地利比亚于1914年发生叛乱。
The instability in the Arab world claimed its first oil-rich victim over the weekend with the uprising in Libya. 上周末利比亚发生了动乱,成了牺牲在阿拉伯世界不稳定性下的第一个盛产石油的国家。
It was this effective combination of tools that helped liberate Libya. 正是这些手段的有效组合帮助利比亚实现了解放。
Nevertheless, Libya was quick to retaliate against this insult. 尽管如此,利比亚对受到逮捕的侮辱迅速进行了报复。
The conflict in Libya and the nuclear crisis in Japan were the two big stories this week. 利比亚的冲突和日本的核危机是这个星期的俩大新闻。
Syria and Iraq are engulfed by conflict, and Libya is in turmoil. 叙利亚和伊拉克被卷入冲突之中,利比亚陷入动乱。
There is the agony of Libya, which we have learnt not to talk about. 我们目睹了利比亚的苦难,但学会了不去谈论它。
The doctrine has been stretched and twisted to justify interventions in Iraq and Libya. 该原则被拓展和扭曲,为干预伊拉克和利比亚正名。
But Washington and its allies should try harder to stabilise failing producing states, such as Libya and Iraq. 但美国及其盟友应更努力地稳定利比亚和伊拉克等产量正在衰退的产油国。
The Arab League, the UN Security Council and countless Libyans have all endorsed the Western assault on Libya. 阿拉伯国家联盟、联合国安理会和无数利比亚人都支持西方打击利比亚。
Russia has systematically wooed gas producers, including Iran, Nigeria, Libya, Algeria and Qatar. 俄罗斯系统性地争取到了伊朗、尼日利亚、利比亚、阿尔及利亚和卡塔尔等天然气生产国的支持。
Iran and Libya raised oil prices by more than 10 percent. 伊朗和利比亚将石油价格提高了10%以上。
Rebels in western Libya say they are consolidating positions on the approaches to the capital Tripoli. 利比亚西部叛军称,他们巩固了通往首都的黎波里的通道上的阵地。
Syria is not Libya. 叙利亚不是利比亚。
If I see this patient right now, there will be a war between Pakistan and Libya! 如果我现在看了这个病人,就将引发巴基斯坦和利比亚之间的战争!
The Obama administration some time ago halted contacts with Libya's Washington embassy and expelled pro-Gadhafi diplomats. 奥巴马政府前些时候中止了和利比亚驻华盛顿大使馆的接触,并驱逐了亲卡扎菲的外交官。
France is also to supply a nuclear reactor to Libya. 法国也将给利比亚提供一个核反应堆。
In fact Egypt, Libya, Algeria and Sudan were all once part of the Ottoman empire. 事实上,埃及、利比亚、阿尔及利亚和苏丹都曾是奥斯曼帝国的一部分。
That has been clearly stated by the international community and by the opposition in Libya. 这一点国际社会和利比亚反政府组织已经明确表示了。
Venezuela also condemned the military aggression against Libya, saying it violates the country's sovereignty and self-determination. 委内瑞拉也谴责对利比亚的军事进攻,称其违反了国家主权及独立性。
He says the Coalition worries Libya will use these indiscriminate weapons again. 他说,集束弹联盟担心,利比亚会再使用这种对平民和作战人员不加区别地构成重大伤害的武器。
Europe has imposed embargoes this year on Libya and Syria to press the regimes. 欧洲今年曾对利比亚和叙利亚实施了禁运,以推动两国政权倒台。
Libya's transitional council voted for Abdurrahim al-Keib, an academic, to be the country's prime minister. 利比亚的过渡政府委员会对是否选举学者Abdurrahimal-Keib为国家总理进行了投票。
Supply disruptions in Iraq and Libya this month have also offered some support to the price. 2月份伊拉克和利比亚发生供应中断,也对价格提供了一定支撑。
Nato has admitted that its aircraft mistakenly attacked rebel forces in Libya during an air strike on Thursday. 北约已经承认,在周四的空袭中,他们错误地袭击了利比亚叛军力量。
For those on the streets of Egypt and Libya this year the answer was clear. 对于今年那些在埃及和利比亚走上街头的人们来说,答案十分清楚。
Libya will have an impact on NATO too. 利比亚同样会对北约产生影响。
But Mr Cameron once again ruled out any deployment of British ground troops in Libya. 但是卡梅伦再次排除了英国向利比亚派遣地面部队的可能性。
Our allies and partners are enforcing the no fly zone over Libya and the arms embargo at sea. 我们的盟国和伙伴国对利比亚实施了禁飞区和海上武器禁运。
As a British diplomat I worked on sanctions and no-fly zones in Iraq and Libya. 我曾作为一名英国外交官,致力于针对伊拉克与利比亚的制裁及禁飞区工作。