Switzerland is a landlocked federal republic in Europe, bordering Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein. 瑞士是欧洲中部的内陆联邦共和国,和德国、法国、意大利、奥地利和列支敦士登为邻。
The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development currently lists Liechtenstein as an uncooperative tax haven. 总部位于巴黎的经济合作与发展组织(OECD)目前将列支敦士登列为了不合作的避税天堂。
Tax evasion isn't listed as a criminal offense in Liechtenstein's legal code. 在列支敦士登法律中,逃税并没有被列为刑事犯罪。
It borders Germany and the Czech Republic to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west. 它与德国接壤,北面是捷克共和国,斯洛伐克和匈牙利在其东面,斯洛文尼亚和意大利在其南面,瑞士和列支敦士登在它的西面。
Before effective change can occur, Liechtenstein must sign and ratify new legal-assistance treaties. 要出现实质性变化,列支敦士登必须签署和批准新的法律协助合约。
On Thursday, Liechtenstein and Andorra both indicated a wish to cooperate with international probes. 列支敦士登和安道尔周四双双表示了愿意配合国际调查的意愿。
The country is situated in Western Europe, where it is bordered by Germany to the north, France to the west, Italy to the south and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. 瑞士位于西欧,北近德国,西靠法国,南边是意大利,而东边是奥地利和列支敦士登。
For a place with such a small population, Liechtenstein has a lot of businesses. 对于一个人口这么少的国家而言,列支敦士登的贸易往来已经很多了。
To this day Liechtenstein enjoys a close working relationship with its Swiss neighbours, and, like Switzerland, a big part of its modern economy is tourism and sports, hosting visitors enjoying its dramatic natural beauty. 直到今天,列支敦士登还是和自己那些瑞士邻居们有着亲密友好的合作关系。和瑞士一样,旅游和各种运动是列支敦士登的一大部分现代经济来源,它们能让游客们沉浸在美丽的大自然风景中。
Today there are only four: Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. 可现在只剩四个:德国、奥地利、瑞士和列支敦士登。
The Liechtenstein family purchased this piece of real estate from the Holy Roman Emperor. 列支敦士登家族从神圣罗马帝国皇帝手上买下了这块地产。
Among the 27 countries that responded to the nine-year-old's request for information: Andorra, Germany, Brazil, Liechtenstein and North Korea. 给9岁小男孩回信的27个国家包括:安道尔共和国、德国、巴西、列支敦士登和朝鲜。
No, in this story, her name was Liechtenstein. 当然,在这个故事里,她的名字叫做列支敦士登。
Objective To inquire into the value of Liechtenstein Hernioplasty in the therapy of oblique or direct hernia. 目的探讨平片无张力修补术在治疗腹股沟斜疝、直疝中的价值。
It is frozen – some of it is in Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and the Bahamas, and some is in France and Jersey. 这些资金被冻结了,部分在列支敦士登、卢森堡和巴哈马群岛,部分在法国和泽西。
Last month Deutsche entered exclusive negotiations with LGT Group of Liechtenstein. 上月,德意志银行和列支敦士登的LGT集团进行独家谈判。
A PRIVATE visit to the castle of Vaduz in Liechtenstein is a treat for many reasons. 有多种理由这样认为,对列支敦士登的瓦杜兹城堡进行一次不受打扰的游览是一件难得的乐事。
Oscar: Honey, how about we go to Liechtenstein for our honeymoon trip? 亲爱的,你觉得我们蜜月旅行去「列支敦斯登」如何?
The European Eco-label, with its distinctive flower logo, enables shoppers to identify green products across the European Union, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. 欧洲生态标签独特的花卉图案,使消费者在欧洲联盟、挪威、列支敦士登和冰岛可以识别绿色产品。
This month, intensifying political pressure forced Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and others to promise to relax their bank secrecy laws. 本月,日益上升的政治压力已迫使瑞士、卢森堡、列支敦士登和其他国家承诺放松其银行保密法。
Upon arrival in Prague, the imperial couple will host an event in Liechtenstein Palace where they are staying. 在飞抵布拉格之后,这对皇室夫妇将在下榻的列支敦斯登宫举办一场活动。
They argue that other countries, such as neighbouring Liechtenstein and Austria, maintain similar traditions. 他们辩称,其他一些国家,比如邻国列支敦士登和奥地利等,也坚守着类似的传统。
Brussels moved to close loopholes in its laws to flush out tax evaders, spurred on by banking scandals that have rocked Liechtenstein and Switzerland. 在震惊列支敦士登和瑞士的银行业丑闻的刺激下,欧盟准备堵上法律漏洞,将逃税者予以曝光。
Only five of them still remain on the list: Andorra, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Marshall Islands and Monaco. 如今只有五个依然在榜:安道尔、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马绍尔群岛和摩纳哥。
Last week Villa scored twice against Liechtenstein but missed a penalty to post a hat trick. 上周他在与立陶宛的比赛中梅开二度还罚失一个点球错过上演帽子戏法的机会。
The theft will heighten concerns about client confidentiality in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, which have strict bank secrecy. 这宗数据失窃事件将加剧人们对瑞士和列支敦士登银行客户保密状况的担忧,这两个欧洲国家施行严格的银行保密制度。
There are other ideas floating around UK, France and Liechtenstein proposed an interim arrangement for10 years and a review thereafter. 另外,值得注意的是,英国、法国和列支敦士登提议,应该有一个10年的过渡期,也就经过长达10年的磋商和评审才比较妥当。
Only three countries Andorra, Liechtenstein and Monaco remain on the OECD list of "unco-operative" tax havens. 只有三个国家(安道尔、列支敦士登和摩纳哥)仍在经合组织“不合作”避税天堂的名单之列。
As the only German-speaking feudal country in the world, Liechtenstein is the last refuge of that language's traditional forms of aristocratic address. 作为如今世界上唯一的讲德语的封建国家,列支敦士登对德语里如何称呼贵族的传统形式提供了最后的避难所。
The existing list includes only Monaco, Andorra and Liechtenstein. 现行名单上只有摩纳哥、安道尔和列支敦士登。