The horse had already won at Lincolnshire and come second at Lowesby. 这匹马在林肯郡夺冠,在洛斯比获得了第二名。
We have made sure that our staff are trained in first aid so we can look after the customers before the paramedics arrive, a director and executive chef of Bindi restaurant in Grantham, Lincolnshire explained. 这家名叫宾迪的饭店位于林肯郡的格兰瑟姆。饭店的董事兼行政主厨解释道:我们确保职员们都经过急救训练。他们可以在急救人员到来之前照料顾客。
There are a variety of palatable food in England, Stilton Cheese, Black Pudding, Lincolnshire Sausages, just to name a few. 英格兰地区有许多美味,比如新提耳顿干酪,黑布丁,林肯郡香肠等。
Bangers and mash with Lincolnshire sausages: Bangers and mash is a name for a dish consisting of mashed potatoes and sausages, normally served with a gravy ( a thin, warm sauce) and onions. 香肠和土豆泥配林肯郡香肠:香肠和土豆泥顾名思义就是土豆泥和香肠组成的,一般会配上酱汁(较稀的热汤)和洋葱一起吃。
And married couple Allan and Pat Bell now have their inquisitive dog to thank for finding the perfect Christmas present while out on a walk in Lincolnshire-the missing 1.14 carat diamond. 然而已婚夫妇艾伦和帕特的狗狗却找到了最棒的圣诞礼物失踪的1.14克拉钻石,看来艾伦夫妇得好好谢谢这只爱刨根究底的小狗了。
My favourite are Lincolnshire sausages ( Lincolnshire's a region on the east coast of England). 我最喜欢的是林肯郡香肠(林肯郡是英格兰东部沿海的一个地区)。
The sheep-pig used to be a common sight in Lincolnshire and was shorn once a year to make sweaters, but it became extinct in Britain in 1972. 卷毛猪过去在林肯郡十分常见,每年都会被剃毛用来制毛衣,但自从1972年起,它慢慢开始变得少见。
Eg. she had always said how lucky she was to have been able to lose her Lincolnshire accent. 她常常谈到为能改掉林肯郡口音感到高兴。
Can I say a big thank you to the North East Lincolnshire Council and the local people, and thank you too for the capital town of Grimsby. 我还要感谢东北林肯郡政府和人民,感谢濒临英格兰东海岸的首府之城格里姆斯比。
It has left off raining down in Lincolnshire, at last, and Chesney Wold has taken heart. 林肯郡的雨终于停止,切斯尼山庄也跟着热闹起来了。
In1600, Anne Marbury the descendant of Sir John Spencer moved to Massachusetts, America from Lincolnshire. 1600年,约翰·斯潘塞爵士的后裔安妮·马伯里从林肯郡迁移到美国的马萨诸塞州。
About 900 contractors agreed to down tools for 24 hours at Sellafield, the nuclear power site in north-west England, in sympathy with a protest that started last Wednesday at a Lincolnshire oil refinery. 大约900名在英国西北部塞拉菲尔德(sellafield)核电站工作的合同工一致停工24小时,以表示对上周三在林肯郡(lincolnshire)一家炼油厂开始的抗议活动的同情。
During my stay in North Lincolnshire I never heard the word rubber boot. 在我住在北林肯郡这段时间我从来没有听说过橡胶开机这个词。
Mrs Thatcher spoke the language of the small shopkeeper from her native Lincolnshire. 撒切尔夫人讲的是自己家乡林肯郡的小店主的语言。
Lincolnshire farmer David Bowman has been selected as the exclusive pumpkin grower for Disneyland Paris and has welcomed its first crop in time for Halloween. 林肯郡的农民大卫•鲍曼被巴黎迪斯尼乐园指定为南瓜的唯一种植者,并且及时种出了为万圣节准备的第一批南瓜。
The weather is so very bad down in Lincolnshire, that the liveliest imagination can scarcely apprehend its ever being fine again. 林肯郡的天气实在糟糕,就连想象力最丰富的人也难预料,天气究竟会不会再度放晴。
The witness said, the orange flying objects they found in the sky of Lincolnshire moved unorderly, and disappeared in the sky at last. 目击者称,他们在林肯郡上空发现橙红色飞行物,它们以杂乱的方向移动,最终消失在天空之中。