Masha Lipman, an analyst at the Carnegie Moscow Center, said: "they kidnapped a senior official sent by Moscow. In any other country, this would be a serious problem. Only in Russia is this not a crisis." 莫斯科卡耐基中心(carnegiecentre)的分析师玛莎李普曼(mashalipman)表示:“他们绑架了莫斯科派去的一位高官,这在任何国家都是一个严重的问题,只有在俄罗斯不是一场危机。”
Lipman animadverts on the variety of abuses in school education; at the same time he puts the aim in school normal education. 李普曼在全面批判美国学校中存在的种种弊端的时候,更多地把批判矛头指向道德教育。
We ultimately will become the fifth member of each band, is how Monte Lipman, president of Universal Republic Records, describes his label's ambition. 我们最终将变成每个乐队的第五位成员,UniversalRepublicRecords总裁蒙特•李普曼(MonteLipman)这样描述他公司的远大抱负。
The general trend, says Masha Lipman of the Carnegie Moscow Centre, is to safe, non-political subjects. 卡内基莫斯科中心的玛莎•里普曼(MashaLipman)评论道,俄罗斯电视媒体上泛滥的多是安全、非政治性内容。
Lipman's philosophical education for children, and his theory and practice in school normal education, get more attention not only in America, but also in the world. Until the end of 20 century, it comes an upsurge with studying, researching and extending. 李普曼的儿童哲学及其学校道德教育理论和实践很快受到了美国,以及国际社会的关注,到20世纪末,已经在世界范围内形成了学习、研究和推广实验的热潮。
Another idea is the author wants to bring many people to pay more attention to those characteristics in Lipman's theory and method, and cause thinking the problem in school normal education of our country, in order to get some enlightenment and be used for references. 二是想引起人们对儿童哲学中道德教育理论和方法中一些颇具特色的方面更多的关注,并能结合我国中小学学校道德教育中存在的问题进行思考,进而从中获得某种启迪和借鉴。
The main target and method of Professor Lipman's philosophical education for children have revealed a brand-new concept of and approach to philosophical education. 李卜曼教授倡导的儿童哲学教育的主要目标及方法揭示了一种全新的哲学教育观念与方法。