The summit took place at a castle just outside Ljubljana. 峰会是在斯洛文尼亚的卢布尔雅那郊外一座城堡里举行的。
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he enjoyed his meetings with the American president since they first met in Ljubljana, Slovenia in2001. 俄罗斯总统普京说,自从他和布什总统于2001年在斯洛文尼亚的卢布尔雅那第一次见面之后,他就喜欢和布什会见。
Beginning in ljubljana, and continuing in meetings in genoa, shanghai, Washington and crawford, President Putin and I developed common ground for a new strategic relationship. 普京总统和我本人从卢布尔雅那的会晤开始,接着又先后在热那亚、上海、华盛顿和克劳福德举行的会晤中发展了战略新关系的共同基础。
After completing a three-year degree in butchery in Ljubljana, Borut came to London to follow the profession that has been in his family for generations. 在卢布尔雅那读完三年期的屠宰学位后,博鲁特来到了伦敦,从事起这项其家族世代从事的职业。