The people who run Lloyd's of London took a pasting yesterday. 伦敦劳埃德保险社的经营者昨天受到了严厉批评。
The City's reputation has been sullied by scandals like those at Lloyd's 类似劳埃德保险公司的那些丑闻令伦敦名声扫地。
Lloyd's of London and the Stock Exchange started life as coffee houses. 劳埃德船舶保险公司和英国证券交易所的前身也是咖啡馆。
Dennis sits on the board of a company that insures some of the biggest accounts at Lloyd's of London. 丹尼斯是一家公司的董事,这家公司为劳合社(Lloyd's)某些最大的客户提供保险服务。
The Bank of England, Lloyd's, the stock exchange, and numerous other banks and investment companies have their headquarters there, primarily in the City, but increasingly at Canary Wharf. 英格兰银行,劳埃德公司,证券交易所,以及众多的其他银行和投资公司的总部都设存在,主要是在城市,但在越来越多的加那利码头。
Lloyd's Register's Plan Appraisal System for Ships 劳氏船级社船舶评估系统方案
Technicians at Lloyd's have created a service that the market's42 managing agents can use with Google's popular mapping service to ensure they are better prepared to manage the world's risks. 劳合社的技师们为其市场上的42家保险中介创设了一项服务,他们可以通过Google上最受欢迎的GoogleEarth地图服务来确保他们能更好地管理世界各地的风险。
This week's agreement caps a long association with Lloyd's for Mr Buffett, who, as the owner of one of the world's largest reinsurance companies, has always taken a keen interest in the market. 双方本周签订的协议加深了巴菲特与劳合社的渊源。巴菲特拥有全球最大的再保险公司之一,而且一直对劳合社抱有浓厚兴趣。
Lloyd's standard form of Salvage Agreement revised in1990. 1990年劳埃德救助合同标准格式。
When it was set up in 1996 as part of the plan to rescue Lloyd's, many believed it was doomed to failure. 1996年,当Equitas作为救助劳合社计划的一部分而成立的时候,许多人认为它注定会失败。
While Beckham and Jolie's Latin inscriptions are grammatically correct, Lloyd's is meaningless, they said. 小贝和安吉丽娜在这方面就做得很好,语法都是正确的。
But Lloyd's memoir is also important for the window it offers into trafficking in this country. 但是,洛依德的回忆录重要的原因还有一点在于它向人们提供了了解美国人口贩卖现状的窗口。
Founder Edward Lloyd even kept a black slave. Lloyd's has since been threatened with compensation claims from American descendants of slaves. 公司创始人爱德华•劳埃德(EdwardLloyd)甚至还有过一个黑奴。伦敦劳合社为此一直面临美籍奴隶后裔的索赔威胁。
An underwriter at Lloyd's Hardner serves as a research fellow in Conservation International ( CI). 劳埃德保险社承保人.哈德尼是国际保育协会(ci)的研究员之一。
They are governed by the Council of Lloyd's and underwrite insurance for their own accounts. 社员由劳合社议会监管并对所承保的保险自行负责。
Right. We contact our broker. Then he gets in touch with a Lloyd's underwriter. 对。我们与经纪人联系。然后,他就同劳埃德保险社的一个经营保险业者联系。
After a series of popular TV adverts, the company have decided to take out a$ 1 million Lloyd's of London policy on the locks. 在拍摄了一系列电视广告后,公司拿出100万美元为他的头发买了保险。
To prove the shortage and inferior quality, we are enclosing a certificate of a Lloyd's surveyor. 为了证明此批货物短量且劣质,我们随函附上劳埃得保险公司的鉴定证书。
He said: "London and the Lloyd's market is the leading home of underwriting culture, of capability, experience and capacity." 他说:“伦敦和伦敦市场是有着能力、经验和兼容性的保险文化的第一故乡。”
She laughs about people's reaction to hearing that she is a lloyd's broker. 她对于人们听到她是劳埃德船舶协会掮客时的反应一笑置之。
See Andy Lloyd's excellent website here, and the Binary Research Institute's website here. 见安迪-劳埃德的优秀网站,和双子星研究所的网站。
In London they may place their business through Lloyd's, the centre of marine insurance. 在伦敦,他们通过劳埃茨保险公司进行业务活动。
This pin-head sized replica of the Lloyd's of London building, by Willard Wigan, has been sold for? 4,000 at auction. 该引脚头,伦敦建筑劳合社的威拉德Wigan,大小的复制品,已售出?拍卖4000元。
Barry Chasnoff, an attorney for Lloyd's, told Atlas the policy doesn't pay on charges of money laundering, one of the many counts Stanford and the ex-executives face in a federal indictment. 劳埃德保险社的律师,巴里崔斯诺夫,告诉阿特拉斯保险单不支付洗钱的指控,这是斯坦福和其前经理面临联邦政府起诉的许多罪名之一。
Aon is and will remain a huge supporter of the Lloyd's and London market and we have a significant operation in the heart of London. 怡安集团不论是现在还是未来都是劳合社以及伦敦市场的巨大支持者,我们在伦敦的核心地带有着重要的业务。
Lloyd's is the world's oldest and leading specialist insurance market. 劳合社是世界上最古老的领先的特殊风险保险市场。