Sino-American relationship should be regarded as the construction of Lockean culture. Presently, some characteristics of Hobbesian culture are only a harbinger of Lockean culture. 中关关系应被视为洛克文化的建构,目前所呈现出的某些霍布斯文化的特征并不占主导地位。
The Role and Action of Government in Social Game: An Analysis Based on Hobbesian and Lockean Models 政府在社会博弈中的角色与作用&一个基于霍布斯、洛克理论的模型分析
It also makes clear the relationship between Nozick and Locke, Kant in another direction, illuminates Lockean elements of Nozick's property theory and a Kantian absolute order, i.e. "person is a purpose". 廓清诺齐克与洛克和康德在另一个向度上的渊源关系,寻求诺齐克的财产权理论的洛克基础和人是目的的康德式的绝对命令。
As a part of the history of intellect, the traditional Lockean theory has its own defect. 作为智识历史的一部分,传统的洛克观点亦有其自身的时代缺陷。