Lufthansa had originally planned to hive off its domestic operations into a subsidiary, Lufthansa Express. 汉莎航空公司本来计划将其国内业务分立出去,成立一个子公司“汉莎运通”。
I had Lufthansa business class. 我乘坐汉莎航空公司(联邦德国)的商务航班。
The Croatian national company has established successful cooperation with numerous foreign airlines, including the German Lufthansa, as the most important one. 克罗埃西亚国立公司已成功与诸多国外航空公司建立了合作关系,其中包括最重要的德国汉莎航空公司。
Deutsche Lufthansa AG said on Wednesday that it will suspend 20 scheduled flights from six European airports to Tel Aviv on Thursday. 德国汉莎航空公司(DeutscheLufthansaAG)周三表示,周四将暂停20个原定从六个欧洲机场飞往特拉维夫的航班。
Lufthansa now has "self-boarding" turnstiles at some of its gates at Frankfurt and Munich airports, these gates greatly speed up the boarding process. 德国汉莎航空公司在法兰克福和慕尼黑机场分别新建了一些“自助登机”转门。这些自助登机门大大提高了登机速度。
Some Lufthansa flights allow data connections through a cellphone, but no phone calls. 汉莎航空(Lufthansa)的一些航班允许通过手机连接数据,但不允许打电话。
Shares of Lufthansa dipped as much as 4.6% in European trading on Tuesday and closed 1.7% lower. 汉莎航空的股价在周二一度暴跌4.6%,收盘时跌幅止于1.7%。
So Lufthansa, Air France and Iberia sold most of their shares in Amadeus ( the largest GDS); American Airlines sold Sabre; British Airways and KLM sold out of Galileo; and so on. 因此,汉莎航空、法航和伊比利亚出售其拥有的艾玛迪斯(全球最大的分销系统)的股份;美国航空公司出售Sabre,英国航空公司和荷兰皇家航空出售Galileo等等。
Several airlines, including KLM and Lufthansa, have expressed anger that the decision to ground flights appears to have been taken solely on the basis of a computer simulation. 包括KLM荷兰皇家航空公司和德国汉莎航空在内的几家航空公司已经表示愤怒,因为他们认为停飞所有航班的决定完全基于电脑模拟。
The German airline Lufthansa says it's already cancelled two flights. 德国汉莎航空公司表示,火山导致目前已经取消了两个航班。
I asked one spokesman for Lufthansa just what was the impact for the airline. 我问一位德国汉莎航空公司的发言人以什么为航空公司的影响。
Lufthansa German Airlines is one of the world's top ten airlines. 德国汉莎航空公司是世界十大航空公司之一。
DB already runs co-ordinated services with Lufthansa that allow travellers to transfer from a plane to a train with a single ticket, for example. DB已经在和汉莎航空提供协同服务,比如说允许旅客可以只用一张票,从一班飞机转到一个列车。
Lufthansa language has · trust and rely on your support, we will be better tomorrow! 语莎饰品相信有您的支持与依赖,我们的明天会更好!
Star Alliance, which includes Lufthansa, United-Continental and Singapore Airlines, remains the biggest, having signed up Air China, the third of the mainland's big three. 星空联盟(成员包括德国汉莎航空、美国大陆航空和新加坡航空等)最近签约了中国国航(大陆第三巨头),规模依然保持全球第一。
Jade Cargo, a joint venture between Shenzhen Airlines and German airline Lufthansa, started flying a year ago and has since been adding aircraft at the rate of one Boeing 747 every three months. 翡翠航空(jadecargo)是深圳航空与德国汉莎航空(lufthansa)组建的合资企业,一年前开始运营,此后一直在以每三个月增加一架波音(boeing)747飞机的速度扩大机队。
Otl Aicher introduced the circle, and some people wonder if the trapped bird signifies Lufthansa's economy class. 东联艾克介绍了一圈,有些人不知道被困鸟,标志着汉莎航空公司的经济舱。
Lufthansa will offer the service for free for three months; British Airways plans to charge about$ 30 per flight. 汉莎航空公司将提供3个月的免费服务,而英国航空公司计划每航班收费30美元左右。
Lufthansa also received leniency for its role in exposing a conspiracy to fix fuel surcharges on cargo flights. 汉莎航空(lufthansa)也在合谋操纵货运班机燃油附加费一案中得到了宽大处理。
On April 8 of ao years ago, Lufthansa German Airlines opened the air route from Frankfort to Beijing. 20年前的4月8日,德国汉莎舫空公司开通了从法兰克福飞往北京的航线。
Lufthansa and Air France have already led the consolidation process in Europe and remain the most likely predators. 汉莎航空和法国航空公司(airfrance)领导了欧洲航空业的整合进程,并且仍然是最有可能的“掠食者”。
Mr mayrhuber said ominously that where other airlines were in trouble, Lufthansa would be looking to move in and "harvest" their markets. 迈尔胡贝尔“不怀好意”地表示,如果其它航空公司陷入困境,汉莎将考虑进入并“收获”它们的市场。
With severe thunderstorms forecast for most of northern Germany in the late afternoon, I decided to swap my Lufthansa connection through Frankfurt for an earlier direct flight on Air Berlin. 由于天气预报报告说德国北部大部分地区在下午晚些时候都有雷暴,我决定把需要在法兰克福转机的汉莎航班换成柏林航空(airberlin)早一些的直飞航班。
The German Aerospace Center and Lufthansa both announced test flights for Sunday to measure the ash concentration. 德国航空航天中心和德国汉莎航空公司都宣布周日进行试飞,以测试火山灰的聚集情况。
Lufthansa is the first airline to build an entirely new terminal dedicated exclusively to its first-class passengers. 德国汉莎航空公司专门为头等舱乘客建立了一座全新独立的候机楼休息厅,这在国际航空领域内是绝无仅有的。
This is one reason Lufthansa Technical Training earlier this year launched a new maintenance management training program for engineering and management functions. 这是汉莎技术培训公司2007年初实施了一种全新的维护工程和管理功能的管理培训程序的原因之一。
Core Lufthansa area with close proximity to3rd Embassy Districts and Airport; 燕沙商圈的黄金地段,临近第三使馆区和机场;
Besides air transportation, lufthansa's aviation also offers a series of whole service schemes to the customer. 除航空运输外,汉莎航空还向客户提供一系列的整体服务方案。