I could invite the Luftwaffe and give them all shaves before they hang me. 我还可以邀请德国空军来,在他们吊死我前给他们修修面。
The circular BMW logo was a representation of the spinning propeller of a Bavarain Luftwaffe. 圆形的宝马标志代表了巴伐利亚空军飞机上旋转的螺旋桨。
The Luftwaffe had fought bravely and only Goering was responsible for its losing its initial supremacy in the war. 空军也打得很勇敢,只有戈林应对空军丧失战争初期的优势负责。
Luftwaffe ground forces are light combat troops also capable of constructing simple defenses and AA weapons. ECCM of Air Defense System versus Airborne ECM 空军地勤部队是具有制造简单防御工事和防空武器能力的轻步兵。防空武器系统与机载电子对抗技术的竞争
That's what the Luftwaffe were tying to protect yesterday. 这就是德国空军昨天想保护的地方。
They should hang the entire Luftwaffe leadership. 应该把德国空军的领导层统统绞死。
Three of his Mustang's four machine guns jammed, but he continued blasting away with his remaining gun, shooting down as many as six Luftwaffe fighters. 那架野马的四挺机关枪有三挺卡住了,他就继续用仅馀的一挺开火,打下了多达六架敌机。
For most of the late1930s and World War II, Dornier was primarily concerned with the production of bombers for the Luftwaffe. 在三十年代末和第二次世界大战时期,道尼尔主要致力为德国空军制造轰炸机。
He had been made the scapegoat for all the failures of the Luftwaffe. 他就是德国空军各次败绩的替罪羊。
Full scale production started in January of1944, but it soon became apparent that the Luftwaffe was being defeated by Allied fighters. 大规模的量产开始于1944年1月,但战况很快显现出德国空军被盟国战斗机所打败。
Shovels and spades would also be deployed in the cities, to rescue the victims of the Luftwaffe's bombardment. 铲子和铁锹在城市里同样被发遣,来拯救德国空军轰炸的受害者。
This was just an absurd excuse for the failures of the Luftwaffe in the east. A considerable amount of the German Air Force could still be disposed in those areas. 这正是德国空军在东方失利的一个荒唐借口。有相当强大的德国空军配置于本地区域。
The Germans kept claiming that Luftwaffe was attacking only military targets. 那些德国人始终扬言他们的空军只袭击军事目标。