His highly-visible lieutenant, Bob Lutz, is type-casting for Sean Connery: crusty and driven to build better cars, yet occasionally sidetracked by his own interests and the maintenance of his image. 而他的副手鲍勃•鲁茨高瞻远瞩,性格执拗,致力于打造更优秀的汽车,但有时也会为了自己的利益和个人的声誉转变立场。
Musk is reminiscent of General Motors ( GM) executive Bob Lutz, now retired, who regularly dismissed gas-electric hybrids as "dumb"& until he became an apostle. 穆斯克还表示怀念通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)现已退休的高管鲍勃?卢兹,正是他经常贬低油电混动车,叫它们“蠢东西”&后来马斯克也开始信奉这种观点。
Even a devoted driving enthusiast like former General Motors vice chairman Bob Lutz concedes that driverless cars are the way of the future. 就连像通用汽车公司前副总裁鲍勃•鲁茨这样铁杆的驾驶发烧友都坦承,无人驾驶汽车是未来的发展方向。
Rob looked like a stud, Kellan Lutz said. And Kristen Stewart is just stunning. 罗伯特看上去呆住了,凯南鲁兹说,而克里斯汀斯图尔特则超级美艳动人。
The film's stars, like Henry Cavill and Kellan Lutz, are certainly pleasing to look at, but they are hardly the first actors to show off their six-packs on the big screen. 像亨利·卡维尔和凯南·鲁兹这样的电影明星当然非常养眼,但是在大屏幕上秀六块腹肌他们可不是第一个。
More broadly, the carmaker's previously autonomous regional operations are now working together coherently, as Bob Lutz, GM's vice chairman and "car czar", farms out duties. 通用更大的动作是让之前各自为政的地区运营结合起来,由副总裁,“汽车沙皇”鲍勃•卢兹分配任务。
As part of that mission, he hired Robert Lutz, a former Chrysler CEO and renowned car guru, to develop a new generation of cars. 作为这项使命的一部分,他聘请前克莱斯勒首席执行长、知名的汽车大师鲁兹(RobertLutz)负责开发下一代轿车。
Kellan Lutz opens up about the ceremony of the century& and admits that the fans will go nuts! 凯南·鲁兹披露了这场世纪婚礼的内容,他承认影迷们看后会激动得发疯的!
Louisiana State University Professor Greg Lutz has studied crawfish species and the industry for30 years. 路易斯安那州立大学教授GregLutz研究小龙虾种类和该行业已经长达三十年代时间。
Boy, you know how to turn on that Lutz charm. 天啊,你还真懂得哄女人。
Lutz will contribute to similar new products that are designed in America. 卢茨将有助于类似的新产品,这种设计是在美国。
Lutz described Buick and Pontiac as damaged brands that had suffered as a result of too little investment in new models. 别克、庞帝克和土星等较小的品牌都在通用汽车最强大的品牌雪佛兰之前获得了拨款。
"This is that alternative species of crawfish," said Lutz. 这是小龙虾的替代品种。
Lutz, who is77 years old and has spent most of this decade remaking GM's model line, had planned to retire this year. 卢茨现年77岁,近十年中大部分时间都在改造通用汽车的产品线,他本来计划今年退休。
Lutz Goebel, the boss of Henkelhausen, a mid-sized German engine manufacturer, says his customers are already starting to procrastinate over purchases of new diesel engines. LutzGoebel,德国一中型引擎制造商Henkelhausen的老总,说他的客户们已打算推迟购买新的柴油引擎。
Lutz again admitted it is his best estimate the Volt will cost right around$ 40,000? 卢茨再次承认这是他的最佳估计数的电压将成本约4万美金的权利?
You trying to get me drunk, Mr lutz? 你想灌醉我啊,露兹先生?
Few people can resist solving a mystery and when the clues to some of Canada's greatest mysteries are available to students on a website, John Lutz thinks the learning process is almost accidental. 加拿大一家网站向学生们提供本国史上一些重大神秘案件的线索,让学生们在好奇了解案件的同时,增加对枯燥历史的学习兴趣。
So thanks Lutz, it is, and always has been a great product. 所以感谢卢茨,它是,并且一直是一个伟大的产品。
Lutz, who served as vice chairman with Chrysler, has agreed to a three-year deal in a move intended to help the world's largest automaker reinvigorate its product development. 鲁茨已经同意与通用公司签订3年的合同,帮助这家世界上最大的汽车制造商恢复产品的活力。
Parameter of Body Center of Gravity for Lutz Jumping 勾手跳跃动作人体重心各参数的研究