You run into the problem of nobody giving you the money upfront, Mr. Luxemburg said. 你会遇到没人为你提供前期资金的问题,卢森堡说。
Said Marc J. Luxemburg, the president of the Council of New York Cooperatives and Condominiums. This has a real-world cost for many buildings. 纽约合作公寓和共管公寓委员会(CouncilofNewYorkCooperativesandCondominiums)的主席马克·J·卢森堡(MarcJ.Luxemburg)表示,这会给许多楼盘带来真真切切的成本。
Moreover, he has given concerts in Japan, New York, Seattle, Brazil, Prague, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Luxemburg, Sofia, Lisbon, London and Los Angeles. 克劳斯·威瑟曾在日本,纽约,西雅图,巴西,布拉格,哥本哈根,奥斯陆,斯德哥尔摩,卢森堡,索非亚,里斯本,伦敦和洛杉矶举行音乐会。
The secretive systems that facilitate corruption, like tax havens in rich countries, such as Switzerland and Luxemburg, damage economies. 促进腐败的保密体制类似于富裕国家的税收天堂,例如瑞士和卢森堡,对经济一样有害。
Both Luxemburg's thinking on associating policy and Lenin's on part organ are important parts of Marxism-journalism and propagation ideas, and are thus studied and used for reference. 卢森堡的交流政策思想与列宁的党报思想一样,是马克思主义新闻和宣传思想的重要组成部分,应该对它进行研究和借鉴。
The researches on Rosa Luxemburg's thought have undergone the diagrammatical transformation from "Return to Marx" to "Marxism" in20th century. 20世纪的罗莎?卢森堡思想研究经历了由“回到马克思”到走向“马克思主义”范式的转换。
One class video-conferenced with students in Luxemburg. 一个班跟卢森堡的学生举行视频会议。
The news of the murder of Rosa Luxemburg roused great indignation. 杀害罗莎?卢森伯格的消息引起了极大的愤慨。
He has performed in the United States, Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. 他曾在美国,奥地利,芬兰,法国,德国,意大利,卢森堡,墨西哥,葡萄牙,西班牙,瑞典和瑞士。
The foreign participants were quite diverse intellectually and politically, with most of them selected by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. 外国参与者在知识背景和政治背景上不尽相同,大多数是罗莎卢森堡基金会选派的。
Rosa Luxemburg's Critique of Bernstein's and Kautsky's Revisionism 罗莎·卢森堡对伯恩施坦、考茨基修正主义的批判
Rosa Luxemburg's Criticism of Soviet Government 评罗莎·卢森堡对苏维埃政权的批评
France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Great Britain, Denmark, Spain, Greece and Portugal. 法国、德国、意大利、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡、英国、丹麦、西班牙、希腊和葡萄牙。
There are also articles by Peter Taaffe ( cover feature) on the revolutionary legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, plus reports of the strike movement in Guadeloupe, and LGTB struggle in the U. 此外,本期中还包含有彼特•塔菲撰写的纪念伟大革命者罗莎•卢森堡(封面照片)的文章,法属瓜德罗普岛罢工运动的报告,以及美国性权平等(LGTB)斗争的报道。
An European Group established in1998 in Luxemburg, mainly occupied in the business of investing activities, management of short and long term investments, and advisory services. 我们是一家欧洲集团公司,1998年成立于卢森堡,主要从事于商业投资,管理长期和短期的投资项目,并提相关供咨询服务。
The Low Countries are Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg. 低地国家是荷兰、比利时和卢森堡。
Locally Rotundity of Orlicz-bochner Function Space with the Luxemburg Norm Luxemburg范数下Orlicz-Bochner函数空间的局部凸性
Of or relating to or characteristic of the grand duchy of Luxemburg or its people. the capital and largest city of Luxembourg. 属于或关于卢森堡大公国、或其人民的,或有其特点的。卢森堡国的首都和最大城市。
You write this down: luxemburg belongs to the reich. 您写下来:卢森堡属于大德意志帝国。
Even if Qualified Majority Rule is applied, member states often will seek to pass the resolution unanimously, which is the historical legacy of the "Luxemburg Compromise". 即便是特定多数表决方式下,由于卢森堡妥协案的深远历史影响,成员国往往也寻求一致通过决议。
This paper studies criteria of the mid-point locally uniform rotundity of Orlicz-Sobolev space for both Luxemburg norm and Orlicz norm by combining the skill of Orlicz spaces with that of Sobolev spaces. 本文研究了Orlicz-Sobolev空间的中点局部一致凸性,通过结合Orlicz空间和Sobolev空间的技巧得到分别赋Luxemburg范数和赋Orlicz范数的Orlicz-Sobolev空间具有中点局部一致凸性的充要条件。
Criteria for K-rotundity of Orlicz-Sobolev spaces with the Luxemburg norm and the Orlicz norm, and local K-uniform rotundity of Orlicz-Sobolev spaces with the Luxemburg norm are given in this paper. 本文给出了赋Luxemburg范数和赋Orlicz范数的Orlicz-Sobolev空间具有K严格凸性及赋Luxemburg范数Orlicz-Sobolev空间具有局部K一致凸性的充要条件。
We give very simple spatial criterion of smooth Musielak_Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with Luxemburg norm and a proof in view of pointwise. 给出了十分好用的Musielak_Orlicz序列空间光滑性的判别条件,并从点态角度给予了证明。
In this paper the sufficient and necessary conditions are given for the average uniform rotundity of Orlicz spaces with Luxemburg norm and Orlicz norm, respectively. 本文给出了Orlicz空间在分别赋予Luxemburg范数和Orlicz范数时,具有平均一致凸性质的充要条件。
As a school of western Marxism, world system theory assimilates and makes an eclectic use of Marx's theory of capital accumulation and surplus value, Rosa Luxemburg's theory of "the third market", Lenin and Bukharin's theory of imperialism; 世界体系理论作为西方马克思主义的流派之一,它吸收并折衷了马克思的资本积累和剩余价值理论、罗莎?卢森堡的第三市场理论、列宁和布哈林的帝国主义理论。
A new norm which is equivalent to the Orlicz norm and the Luxemburg norm is introduced in Orlicz space. It is called generalized Orlicz norm. 在Orlicz空间中,引进了一个与Orlicz范数和Luxemburg范数等价的新范数&广义Orlicz范数。
But this type of development would not eliminate the competition, neither the capitalist inherent contradiction. Then, through a discussion of the capital accumulation between Bukharin and Luxemburg, he became clearer about his Marxism doctrine theory of capital accumulation. 但资本的这种发展不会消除竞争,更不会消除资本主义固有的矛盾。之后,布哈林通过与卢森堡关于资本积累的探讨,进一步整理了自己的马克思主义资本积累理论。
The third mode is the common law and the special law of parallel bank bankruptcy mode, to Italy, Germany, Luxemburg as a representative. 第三种模式是普通法和特别法并行的银行破产模式,以意大利、德国、卢森堡等为代表。
Secondly, Hobson, Hilferding, Luxemburg and Bukharin supplemented and developed the Marxism capital export theory. 其次,霍布森、希法亭、卢森堡和布哈林等人对马克思的资本输出理论进行了补充。
Rosa · Luxemburg has written numerous letters to friends and family. 在20世纪初期,罗莎·卢森堡撰写了许多给友人和家人的书信。