abbr.  陆战队航空后勤中队(Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron); 中高度进场信号灯系统; 人文学科文科硕士


  1. Estimation of the aquaculture pollution to water body in Tongan Bay Environmental Pollution Condition of Domestic Ani-mals and Fowls Breeding in Tie Ling City and Its Control Countermeasures
  2. Simulation results show that MALS_QoS can meet multicast requirement with multiple QoS constraints and has a good performance.
  3. The necessity of turbidity determination, 3 methods for measuring suspended matters in water and the superiority of MALS method are stated.
  4. GUS(β glucuronidase) gene as one kind of report gene in gene fu-sion system was cloned from Escherichia coli. It have been used in molecular genet-ics research such as gene control and gene expression of bacteria, plants even ani-mals.
  5. Compared with MALS, MALS_QoS has a function of QoS control and it can produce a multicast routing tree with multiple QoS constraints of the bandwidth, remainder energy, delay and delay jitter.
  6. Motor activity logs ( MALs) were compiled, and the Wolf Motor Function Test ( WMFT) and Barthel Index ( BI) were used to evaluate the therapeutic effects before treatment and at 0 d, 1 month and 3 month after treatment.
  7. Macrolide antibiotics ( MALs) is a kind of chemical structure and antibacterial activity similar to the basic antibiotic group, belong to the spectrum antibiotics.