Bring into center play the professional work guide of MCH hospital to promote the management quality of the pregnant and lying-in women 发挥妇幼保健院业务指导中心作用提高孕产妇保健管理质量
Discussion on informatization of health human resource management System of MCH Administrative Information and? Its Administrative Model 卫生人力资源管理信息化建设之我见妇幼卫生管理信息系统及其管理模式刍论
Objective To improve maternal and child health ( MCH) work in rural areas. 目的提高农村妇幼卫生工作水平。
Strengthening the Constructure of MCH Network at ehe Basic, Widening the Field of Community Service 加强基层网络建设拓宽社区服务领域PPP在基础设施领域的应用及建议
Background The situation of maternal and child health ( MCH) is one of the most significant indicators reflecting social development of a country or a region. 研究背景妇幼卫生状况和水平是反映一个国家(或地区)社会发展程度最基本、最重要的社会指标之一。
Seize the Opportunity, Deepen Reform and Improve the Ability of MCH Community Service 抓住机遇深化改革提高妇幼保健服务能力
Methods The same questionnaire survey was conducted to414 MCH workers in47 counties of Yunnan before the training and to107 MCH workers sampled from the trained subjects after one and a half year. 方法在云南省47个县(市)的414名妇幼卫生人员中进行培训前评估,并于培训1年半后抽取107名卫生人员进行问卷调查。
The study on MCH public health service item cost accounting 妇幼保健公共卫生服务项目成本测算研究
The Application of Comprehensive Evaluation Methods on County-level MCH Institutions Health Resource Allocation in the Regions of Health IX Project Supported by World Bank 综合评价方法在卫生九项目县妇幼保健机构资源配置中的应用
Exploration on file management in a MCH institution the service capability and Development Countermeasures of the district-classed women and children healthcare organization 对妇幼保健机构档案管理工作的探讨区级妇幼保健机构保健服务能力和对策分析
Practice and investigation of construction of training system of medical staff of provincial MCH hospital: a case study of Sichuan Provincial Hospital for Women and Children 构建省级妇幼保健院医务人员培训体系的实践与探索&以四川省妇幼保健院为例
Sum up of MCH work for 10 years in street community in Ruijin 2 road of Shanghai 上海市瑞金二路街道社区妇幼保健工作10年总结
System of MCH Administrative Information and? Its Administrative Model 妇幼卫生管理信息系统及其管理模式刍论
Both Art Basel fairs are owned by MCH Messe Schweiz, the Swiss convention centre and event management group. 两处的巴塞尔艺术博览会都隶属于瑞士的会议中心与会展管理集团mchmesseschweiz。
Study on MCH Item Improving Health Level of Women and Children 妇幼卫生项目对改善妇女儿童健康状况的研究
Study 《 Direction idea 》 and renew the concept to open the new complexion of MCH work 学习《指导意见》更新观念开创妇幼保健工作的新局面
To assess equity in health outcomes and interventions for maternal and child health ( MCH) services in Thailand. 评估泰国医疗成效的公平性,以及评估产妇和儿童保健(妇幼保健)的干预措施。
Practice of setting up pert-climacteric health care community service teaching base of MCH speciality 妇幼专业建立围绝经期保健社区服务教学基地的实践
Equity of coverage in key MCH services is high throughout Thailand. 泰国的主要妇幼保健服务覆盖均衡性较高。
The rate of cesarean section among lying-in women in one MCH hospital in Jingxi Province, 2002-2007 2002~2007年江西省某妇幼保健院分娩产妇剖宫产情况
Implementation and evaluation of "Synthetical MCH item" health education 综合性妇幼保健项目健康教育的实施与评价
Fuzzy Comprehensive Analysis of the Indicators on the MCH service in Health Nine Project Counties Supported by WB 世行贷款卫生九项目县妇幼卫生服务指标模糊综合评价
Grade judgment is a mean by which can achieved the goal to promote the development of MCH organism. 等级评审是一种手段,通过这种手段可达到加快妇幼保健机构发展的目的;
MCH is implicated in depression and drug addiction as well. 在抑郁症和药物成瘾中也涉及MCH。
Evaluation of MCH intervention effects of Health ⅷ Project supported by the World Bank Loan 世界银行贷款卫生Ⅷ项目妇幼保健干预效果评价
We used a concentration index ( CI) to assess distribution of nine MCH indicator groups across the household wealth index. 我们使用了集中指数(CI)来评估9个妇幼保健指标组在家庭财富指数中的分布。
Building and Managing MCH Files in District ( County) Level MCH Hospital 区(县)级妇幼保健档案的建立与管理
Objective To evaluate the effects of maternal and child health ( MCH) workers training on the knowledge and skill about the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Yunnan. 目的了解云南省部分县(市)妇幼卫生人员接受艾滋病母婴传播阻断专业知识及技能培训的效果。