MEM_EnablePreAlloc= 1 Set it to1 to enable pre-allocation of shared memory. MEMEnablePreAlloc=1设为1启用共享内存预分配。
We parsed a known format of binary mem dump in Linux, and used structs from Python to read the binary data dump and display it in a readable format. 我们解析了Linux系统中一个众所周知的二进制mem转储格式,使用了Python中的struct实用工具来读取二进制数据转储并以可阅读的格式进行显示。
Peak Mem Usage: The highest value of the Mem Usage field since the process started. PeakMemUsage(内存使用高峰值):进程启动以来MemUsage(内存使用)字段的最大值。
Its size is determined by the appgroup_mem_sz database configuration parameter. 其大小由appgroupmemsz数据库配置参数决定。
Calling mem_init, which calculates the number of pages in various zones, high memory, and so on 调用meminit,它计算各种区域、高内存区等内的页面数量
Although the Windows documentation refers to Mem Usage as the working set, it might be helpful to understand that in this context it really means what many people call the resident set. 虽然Windows文档将MemUsage(内存使用)称为工作集,但在该上下文中,它实际上指的是很多人所说的驻留集(residentset),明白这一点很重要。
The self-tuning memory is enabled using the self_tuning_mem database configuration parameter. 自调优内存特性可以通过selftuningmem数据库配置参数来启用。
Take the output of that command and use grep to get the line that has the string Mem in it. 获取这个命令的结果,并使用grep获取包含字符串Mem的行。
APPGROUP_MEM_SZ20,000 pages ( default in v8) APPGROUPMEMSZ20000页(v8中的默认值)
Finally, save the switch configuration, by entering write mem. 最后,输入writemem保存交换机配置。
To get an idea of how the system would perform with only128MB, I then rebooted and added mem= 128M to the kernel line, as I described above. 为了了解系统在只有128MB时的执行情况,我重新引导了系统,并在内核行后面附加了mem=128M选项,就像前面介绍的一样。
Cached ( KB): Of the Mem Used ( KB), the amount of memory that is not currently being used but is immediately available for future memory allocations. Cached(KB):在MemUsed(KB)当中,当前没有使用,而是备用于将来内存分配的内存量。
Mem Usage: The online help calls this the working set of the process ( although many would call it the resident set)& the set of pages currently in main memory. MemUsage(内存使用):在线帮助将其称为进程的工作集(尽管很多人称之为驻留集)&当前在主存中的页面集。
MEM_EnablePreAlloc Set it to1 to enable pre-allocation of shared memory. MEMEnablePreAlloc设置为1时将启用共享内存预分配。
In Linux, the number of pages in use is available from/ proc// mem and/ proc// stat. 在Linux中,正在使用的页数可以从/proc//mem和/proc//stat中获得。
SHR& Shared Mem size ( KB): The amount of shared memory used by a task. SHR&SharedMemsize(KB):此任务使用的共享内存量。
By enabling STMM through the DB CFG parameter self_tuning_mem, you can let DB2 tune memory structures depending upon fluctuations in workload. 通过DBCFG参数selftuningmem启用STMM之后,您可以让DB2根据工作负载的波动调优内存结构。
An observation is constructed to show that it is not suitable for POL ( mem) criterion sequence in terms of the definition of grey target transformation. 通过给出特殊例子说明了对于适中值极性指标序列,该变换不满足灰靶变换的定义。
Why MEM to DEA with the ikes of you? 我为什么要和象你这样的人打交道?
Using attribute recognition theory and according to the measurement attribute of objective data in power quality indices, the index measurement evaluation matrix ( MEM) is built. 利用属性识别理论,根据电能质量指标客观数据的测度属性建立指标测度评价矩阵。
A Research of the Univariate-Multiplicative Error Model and Its Empirical Analysis 单变量乘积误差模型(MEM)的研究和实证
The curricula for Mem programmes vary, but most combine advanced engineering courses on integration, manufacturing and supply chain management, with general business classes in subjects such as management, finance and accounting. Mem的课程设置各异,但多数结合高级工程课程中的整合、制造、供应链,与综合商科课程中的管理、财务和会计。
The MEM, a cross between an advanced engineering programme and a general management course, for those who want careers at the intersection of technology and business. mem是高级工程课程与综合管理课程的结合物,面向那些想要在技术与商业相交的领域发展事业的人。
Mom: Oh! Mem Mem is hungry, too! 妈妈:哦!猫咪也饿了!
MSI chips usually are counters, small mem ones or registers. 中型集成电路则作为计数器、小型存储器和寄存器。
Note: max_mem_windows kernel parameter must be set to2 ( number of instances-1). 注意:maxmemwindows内核参数必须设为2(实例数-1)。
For that, he needed a post-graduate degree, not an MBA, or an engineering degree, but a Masters in Engineering Management. 为此,他需要一个研究生学位,不是MBA或工程学学位,而是工程管理硕士(Mem)。
They also promote connections between Mem and MBA students to collaborate on an engineering design, or even develop a partnership. 这些课程还能促进工程管理和工商管理学生之间的联系,鼓励他们在工程设计方面进行合作,甚至结成合作伙伴关系。
Mem may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. 别人可能怀疑你说的话,但他们会相信你的行动。
Recruiters of MEM graduates include, energy companies, financial services companies and management consulting firms. 招聘mem毕业生的雇主包括能源企业、金融服务企业以及管理咨询公司。