However, the request fails because our Node server does not define/ msg. 但是,请求失败了,因为我们的节点服务器没有定义/msg。
When a client starts up, the first thing it does is send a PSEUDO_MSG_PING message to the server. 在启动客户端后,它要做的第一件事就是向服务器发送PSEUDOMSGPING消息。
Whether the MSG_OOB flag is set. 是否设置了MSGOOB标志。
Do you cook with msg? 你用味精烧菜吗?
Many Chinese restaurants, in response, now proudly tout themselves as MSG-free. 现在许多中国餐馆做出的反应是,骄傲地吹嘘他们在烹调中不用MSG。
It could be eight Yuan once it comes to the MSG factory. 进了味精厂,提炼成味精,可就是八元钱了;
First of all, MSG is a high-quality spices, it not only enables more tasty dishes. 首先,味精是一种高质量的调味品,它不仅能使菜肴更加鲜美。
Thus, in a soda and alkali should not put MSG in food; 因此,在有苏打、碱的食物中不宜放味精;
The food also has a reputation for high levels of MSG to enhance the flavor. 食物也有声誉很高的味精,以提高风味。
You've probably noticed that MSG appears regularly among the ingredients of your favorite foods. 你可能已经注意到味精经常出现在你爱吃的食物成分中。
System V messages are implemented in ipc/ msg. 系统v消息在ipc/msg。
The main component of MSG glutamate was identified by Professor Kikunae Ikeda in1908. 1908年,池田菊苗教授鉴定出味精的主要成分&谷氨酸盐。
Second, the amount of salt and MSG absorbed ( by people) has been increasing. 第二,是盐和味精的摄入量过大。
MSG ( or monosodium glutamate) is a chemical commonly used to add flavor to salty or sour tasting foods. 味精(叫谷氨酸钠)一种常用来为咸味或酸味食物增加口感的化学物质。
MSG also known as MSG by flavor agent, a white crystal-like. 味精也称为味精增味剂,呈白色晶体状。
The more processed a food is, the more likely it is to contain MSG or free glutamate: powdered stuff that used to be food is likely to have added MSG because the original flavor has been degraded. 如果一种食品加工程序越多,则该食品含有味精或游离谷氨酸的可能性就越大,制作食品的粉状原料可能添加了更多的味精,因为原有香味已经消失了。
I will be very glad if you leave msg to me. 如果你们给我留言,我将十分高兴。
Thanks for your reminding, could you tell the chef not to put the MSG in it? 谢谢你的提醒,您能告诉厨师不要往菜里放味精吗?
There is no proven long-term medical danger of eating a normal dietary amount of MSG. 没有证据表明食用正常膳食量的味精会造成长期的医学危险。
Most of the food manufacturers still add MSG into their food. 大多数食品制造商仍在食品中添加味精。