Macmillan must have loathed being judged as a mere appendage to domestic politics. 麦克米伦肯定极不喜欢只被当成国内政治的附属品。
The Macmillan Guide had forewarned me of what to expect. 《麦克米伦指南》已经事先告诫过我会遇到什么情况。
Macmillan wrote back saying that he could certainly help 麦克米伦回信说他肯定能帮忙。
Said Ron indignantly, a bit of sausage flying off the fork he was now brandishing at Hermione and hitting Ernie Macmillan on the head. My whole family are blood traitors! 罗恩气愤地说道,他朝赫敏挥舞着手里的叉子,结果叉子上的一小片香肠飞了出去,砸在厄尼·麦克米兰的脑袋上,我们全家都背叛了自己的血统!
Yet this was the year that Harold Macmillan, the new prime minister, proclaimed, Most of our people have never had it so good. 同年,新上任的首相哈罗德·麦克米伦(HaroldMacMillan)称:我们当中的大多数人从来没有过这样的好日子。
The first political figure I recognised was Harold Macmillan, who told voters they had never had it so good. 我认识的第一个政治人物是哈罗德麦克米伦(haroldmacmillan),他曾告诉选民们,以前他们从未有过如此美好的生活。
Macmillan practice tests for TOEFL ii. 麦克米伦托福试题集。
The Macmillan letter contained certain ambiguities. 麦克米伦的信中有一些含糊之处。
We can't let Macmillan practice this emotional blackmail on us. 我们不能听任麦克米伦对我们进行这种感情上的讹诈。
Berlin, Macmillan said, seemed to him small beer compared to the destruction of humanity. 麦克米伦说,同人类的毁灭相比,柏林问题在他看来,只不过是微不足道的。
In any case, Macmillan would add, Britain already had its own nukes. 麦克米伦还补充道,不管怎么说,英国已经拥有了自己的核武器。
Blanden, Gregg and Macmillan have found that you can predict much of this income persistence simply by looking at exam results at age 16. 布莱登、格雷格和麦克米伦发现,你只要看看16岁时的考试成绩,就可以大致对这种收入连续性做出预测。
Macmillan, would like to know if you have the completed schedule for next week? 麦克米伦先生想知道您那里是否有下周的全部时间表?
Lindsey Macmillan, an economist at Bristol University's Centre for Market and Public Organisation, kindly investigated this question for me. 布里斯托大学市场与公共组织中心(BristolUniversity'sCentreforMarketandPublicOrganisation)的经济学家林赛•麦克米伦(LindseyMacmillan)爽快地帮我对这个问题进行了调查。
I spoke to a couple lobbyists from Macmillan pharmaceuticals. 我和macmillan制药的两个说客谈了。
Macmillan's departure coincided with benn's return. 麦克米伦离开时本正好归来。
Macmillan edition is out of print. 麦克米伦版已告售罄。
He has seemed at times to stand in the incremental tradition of Disraeli or Macmillan, paternalistic and not zealously ideological; 有时他似乎代替了迪斯雷利(Disraeli)或者麦克米伦(Macmillan)增长着的传统,家长式的不狂热的意识形态;
Some thirty-eight years later, the book bobbed up again in my life when Macmillan commissioned me to revise it for the college market and the general trade. Meantime, Professor Strunk had died. 足有三十八年之后,麦克米兰委托我修订这本书,以应大学市场和一般贸易,这本书就萦绕着我的一生。
The Palm Springs Art Museum noted that MacMillan has provided both financial support and a number of works of art to the museum over the years. 棕榈泉美术博物馆指出,多年来,麦克米兰不仅提供了财务支持,还捐献了大量的艺术作品。
What this tells us about Mr Cameron is that he is a Conservative in the centrist tradition of Harold MacMillan rather than a radical such as Margaret Thatcher. A moderate in most things is how one colleague describes him. 这告诉我们,卡梅伦是一位继承哈罗德麦克米伦(HaroldMacMillan)之中间派衣钵的保守党人,而不是像玛格丽特撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)那样的激进分子。一位同事称他在大多数事情上都持温和意见。
Her first parliamentary post was junior minister for pensions in Harold Macmillan's government. 在哈罗德麦克米伦政府内,她入主议会的第一个职位是年金和国民保险部政务次官。
American Council on Education: Macmillan. 美国教育理事会:麦克米伦出版公司。
International Book Publishers operating in Hong Kong include Oxford University press, longman, readers digest and macmillan. 在香港有业务的国际书籍出版商包括牛津大学出版社、朗文、读者文摘和麦美伦。
Hannah Abbott and Ernie Macmillan were swapping cards in the Great Hall ( GF19). 汉娜?艾博和厄尼?麦克米兰曾在大厅里交换卡片。
There followed the common market, designed to free up trade in western Europe; and I can remember urging Harold Macmillan, the British prime minister, to get on with his application to join. 在那之后建立起了旨在实现西欧贸易自由化的共同市场。我记得自己曾敦促英国首相哈罗德麦克米伦(HaroldMacMillan)申请加入共同市场。
Breaking with Mosley, Macmillan recruited Mosley's aide, Allan Young, a former Marxist, as his research assistant. 与莫斯利断裂后,麦克米伦招募莫斯利的助手,阿伦年轻,前马克思主义者,因为他的研究助理。
A few MPs went with him, along with one Ulster Unionist, but in the end, no Conservatives, though Macmillan had briefly been part of the Mosley circle. 一些国会议员与他同行,以及一个北爱尔兰统一,但最终,没有保守党,尽管麦克米兰曾短暂成为了莫斯利圈的一部分。
This is the edge of MacMillan, design for efficiency, customer total win-win situation. 这就是缘美伦,设计求效益,客户共双赢。
Macmillan had reported to me in the same sense. 麦克米伦以同样的内容向我作了报告。