Buchanan pushed all the right buttons, appealing to Maher's loyalty and to his guilt. 布坎南通过激发马厄的忠心和负罪感得到了他想要的东西。
An Australian designer now living in the Dutch city Eindhoven, Maher is one of the growing number of people who regard themselves as neither male nor female, but as having a fluid gender identity. 马希尔是澳大利亚设计师,目前住在荷兰埃因霍温市。越来越多的人像马希尔这样,认为自己既非男性,亦非女性,而是拥有不断变化的性别身份。
An earlier set of EU sanctions this month included 13 Syrian officials, including Maher al-Assad, who is the president's brother and commands a division of Syria's army. 欧盟本月早些时候发布的制裁针对13名叙利亚官员,其中包括阿萨德总统的弟弟、叙利亚共和国卫队的负责人马希尔.阿萨德。
Opposition sources in the besieged city of Homs told Reuters that tanks from the Syrian army's elite Fourth Division, controlled by Mr. Assad's brother, Maher, had moved onto the streets. 被围困的霍姆斯市的反对派人士在接受路透社采访时说,叙利亚总统阿萨德的兄弟马希尔控制的精锐第四师的坦克已经进入街道。
Meanwhile, Maher also talked with Syrian Prime Minister Rafik Hariri over the phone and exchanged views on the latest development in palestine. 另据报道,马希尔当天还同黎巴嫩总理哈里里进行了电话联系,双方就巴勒斯坦局势最新发展交换了看法。
Maher blamed Japan's confusing and belated response to the crisis on the government's traditional consensus decision-making process. 马希尔指责日本的混乱和危机迟来的回应,对政府的传统共识的决策过程。
Ahmed Maher briefed Josep pique about his meeting with Yasser Arafat on Friday in the Palestinian-controlled town ramallah. 马希尔向皮克通报了他本周五在约旦河西岸巴控城市拉姆安拉同阿拉法特会晤的情况。
They were chanting for freedom and criticising Maher al-Assad, the brother of President Bashar al-Assad and the head of the presidential guards. 者高呼口号,要求更大限度的自由,并谴责现任总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)的兄弟马赫尔·阿萨德(Maheral-Assad)以及总统卫队首领。
Katie Maher is a development worker and cultural studies scholar now working with DORS. 楼兰,一位发展工作者和文化学者,现在在四川农村发展组织工作。