And I will hold the door open for you, as will Yeshua, Maitreya, Kuthumi, and Shiva. 我保持门一直为你敞开,就像约书亚,弥赛亚,库图弥,和湿婆一样。
This is Maitreya, the Buddha of the future. 这是弥勒佛,也就是未来佛。
Maitreya Bodhisattva will be the successor of the historic Sakyamuni Buddha. 弥勒菩萨将会是历史上释迦牟尼佛的继承者。
Looking up, the kind-looking and self-confidence Buddha Maitreya smiles toward you. 抬眼前望,端坐寺内慈祥而又自信莫测的大肚弥勒佛正向你哈哈大笑。
To show respect for his guru, Maitreya has a stupa on his forehead. 为了表示对他的上师的尊敬,弥勒菩萨的前额上有一座佛塔。
For example, Maitreya Bodhisattva became a candidate for Buddhahood after Shakyamuni buddha. 如弥勒菩萨于释迦牟尼佛之后,候补作佛。
But it is also famous as a venue of Maitreya Buddha worshiping ceremonies. 而且还是弥勒佛的道场。
Learn the tolerance of Maitreya Bodhisattva, be magnanimous and open-minded. 学习弥勒菩萨的胸怀,宽容豁达。
In front of the main hall is Confucius the Sage, Prince Nuozha, and Maitreya the Happy Buddha. 大殿前是万世师表孔子,那吒太子和笑口常开的弥勒佛。
It is also one of the biggest Maitreya sitting statues in china. 也是中国最大的石弥勒佛坐像之一。
For instance, the fifth Buddha-Maitreya, who now presides over Tushita pureland, enlightened before his teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha. 举个例子来说,目前掌理兜率天净土的弥勒菩萨&五尊佛,比他的老师释迦牟尼佛早证悟。
Inside the first hall is a200-year-old Maitreya Buddha. 在第一个殿里有一尊200年历史的弥勒佛。
In addition, the successor of the Buddha is not an arhat of Sravakayana but is Bodhisattva Maitreya. 而且佛陀的继位者并不是声闻阿罗汉,而是弥勒菩萨。
In the Tang Dynasty, people worshipped Maitreya, regarding him as the symbol of a bright future. 唐代当时流行对弥勒佛的崇拜,认为他象征光明和未来。
The oceans are predicted to decrease in size, allowing Maitreya to traverse them freely. 海洋被预知是尺寸减少,允许弥勒自由地在它们中间驰骋。
Yingsi got its name from the millennium ancient temple of Jingying temple founded by Huiyuan Zen Master& the first ancestor of Pure Land Sect, Buddhist Maitreya. 影寺由佛教弥勒净土宗初祖慧远禅师所建千年古刹“净影寺”而得名。
I'm emulating the Maitreya Buddha. 我在向弥勒佛学习呢。
Maitreya is generally believed China's nongovernmental and widely popular one Buddhist. 弥勒佛是中国民间普遍信奉、广为流行的一尊佛。
Maitreya is a bodhisattva who some Buddhists believe will eventually appear on earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma. 弥勒是一位菩萨,一些佛教徒甚至相信将会出现在地上,成就完全的启迪,教导纯正的教法。
The Saviour thought contributed a lot for Maitreya Faith to spread widely with a long lasting vigor in Xinjiang and, afterwards, in inner part of China. 弥勒信仰在新疆以及后来在中国内地能够广泛传布、历久不衰,是与救世主思想分不开的。
Study of Maitreya Worship in the Northern Dynasties 北朝弥勒信仰研究
The Spreading of Maitreya Faith in Xinjiang 弥勒信仰在新疆的传布
Although Maitreya worship was more popular in the north than that in the south, Shanghai located by the sea easily absorbed the character of Pure Land belief in the north. 弥勒信仰虽在北方较南方为盛,但作为海道要冲的上海则又易吸收北方净土信仰的特色。
I believed that the Bodhisattva is not Maitreya, but Sakyamuni. We found the precedent of his icon and we also provided evidence to say that this kind of icon was painted in Kizil caves. 我们找到了释迦菩萨造像的先例,以及他在克孜尔石窟中存在的证据。
As one of the earliest forms of Indian Buddhism, the belief of Maitreya has run through the history of Indian Buddhism, promoting the formation of and its interaction with the Mahayana Buddhism. 它不仅是印度佛教最早形成的宗教信仰样式之一,也是贯穿整个印度佛教发展历史,特别是在促动大乘佛教形成和发展以及与小乘佛教的互动中,始终保持着深远影响的宗教文化体系。
Maitreya "Xiasheng" beliefs once banned and became the using God for lower class to rebel. However, the big belly Maitreya image was created and widely spreaded until Song Dynasty. 弥勒下生信仰由于被下层民众反叛者利用而遭一度禁止,但到了宋代又创造出人人皆知的大肚弥勒形象并广泛流传开来。
Maitreya statues are considered as the most important content and special theme of Buddhism statues. No matter from which angle-Art history, Art archaeology or Buddhist art, it is extraordinary precious cultural heritage. 弥勒造像作为佛教造像的一个重要内容与特殊题材,无论从美术史、美术考古以及佛教艺术角度,都是弥足珍贵的文化遗产。