His aim was to liberate China from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty. 他的目的是清朝手里解放中?
Manchu's family education in Qing Dynasty consisted of culture, morals, physical culture and life. 文化、德、育、活等四个方面的内容,支撑起清朝满族家庭教育的整体框架。
There is inevitable connection between the Manchu culture and the source of Jin culture. 满族文化和金源文化之间存在着必然的关联。
There are many Mongolian loanwords in Manchu language, which related to the culture and language communication between them. 满语中有很多蒙古语借词,这与历史上满族和蒙古族的文化交流和语言接触有密切关系。
We could understand some characteristic of Manchu's cultural transformation through research on the process of Manchu names evolvement. 通过满族姓名演变过程的研究,我们可以窥视满族文化变迁过程的一些特点。
The population is mostly Han Chinese with minorities of Mongol, Manchu, and Hui. 山西民族大部分是汉族,并有小部分的少数民族,如蒙古族、满族、和回族。
The folk belief of Manchu is the main component of Manchu folk literature. 满族民间信仰是满族民俗文化的重要组成部分。
Qing palace tablets in Manchu and Chinese. 图为清皇宫中,满文与汉字在一起的牌匾。
Manchu, Mongolian and Han Eight Banners three of the eight series of products rich. 满、蒙、汉八旗三个体系各八个系列,产品丰富。
Grasping the meaning and usage of mood words from Manchu is of great significance to Manchu studies. 准确掌握满语语气词的语义及用法对满语文的学习与研究具有重要意义。
The Republican Revolution against the Manchu Dynasty in china; 1911-1912. 反对中国满洲王朝的共和国革命;1911年到1912年。
A member of the Manchu speaking people of Mongolian race of Manchuria; related to the Tungus; conquered China in the 17th century. 在满洲蒙古人种族中,一个说蒙古语的民族;和通古斯人有联系;在17世纪征服了中原。
And the Manchu nationality has believed in Shamanism for long-standing time and it impacts lasting. 而满族信奉萨满教由来已久,创造了丰富的文化遗产,影响深远。
The first major change was establishing the Manchu banner system in north China. 第一个重大的改变就是在中国北方建立了满州的八旗制度。
At present, Manchu names which have evolved from Manchu into Chinese still have their own features. 自清代开始,满族的姓名虽然从满语向汉语演变,但是到目前仍然保留着一定的满族特征。
1912-Xuantong Emperor of the Manchu Qing dynasty, the last Emperor of China, abdicates. 1912年的今天,中国的最后一位皇帝,满清的宣统皇帝(宣统皇帝,溥仪)退位。
The family status of Manchu women in Qing Dynasty is of double characteristics. 清代满族女性的家庭地位具有双重特征。
This article focus on the historical development laws of Manchu dance. 本文是对满族舞蹈历史发展规律的探究。
Specialists engaged in Ahai studies have done much research on the relationship and effect between Mongolian and Manchu. 对满族和蒙古族的历史接触及其语言影响,历来的阿尔泰学家也进行过一些研究。
Manchu's family education in Qing Dynasty is the essence of China's ancient family education. 清代满族家庭教育可以说是中国古代家庭教育的精华部分。
To relate the long history of Manchu folk music and introduce Manchu folk song and dance. 讲述了满族民间音乐的悠久历史,介绍了满族民间歌舞,音乐在中华民族音乐史上的地位。
Finally, a Manchu invasion ended the Ming regime. 最终,满族的入侵结束了明朝的统治。
In China, Manchu language teaching is divided into formal and informal education. 在国内,满语教学主要分非学历教育和学历教育两部分。
The paper studied the relation between the Manchu shamanism and fete through Eight Banners genealogy. 本文运用八旗谱牒资料,对萨满教与祭祀之间的关系展开研究。
That person's father is Han and the mother is Manchu. 那个人的父亲是汉族而母亲是满族的。
But in some remote rural areas Manchu ways held out longer. 但是在一些偏远的乡村,满族习俗得到了更好的流传。
This condensed version was itself later translated into Manchu language, upon the request of Qing Dynasty Kangxi Emperor. 这本身就是浓缩版后转化为满族语言的请求清朝康熙皇帝。
How did you start studying Manchu, when you were little? 你怎么开始学习满语的?你小的时候。
That's why all the people he dispatched here were manchu. 所以他派来的都是满族人。