Bagan and Mandalay are the seats of Myanmar culture. 蒲甘和女权天使是缅甸文化的主要反映。
'On the road to Mandalay, where the happy children play,'she began. 在去曼德雷的路上,快乐的孩子在玩耍,她开始说。
Near Mandalay, in the village of Meiktila, I saw this young boy bathing by a river bank. 在曼德勒附近的密铁拉的乡村,我看到这个小男孩在河边泼水洗澡。
Above is a private area on the top floor of Mandalay Bay that is a must-stop every time I'm in town. 我每次来这里都要停留在梦德莱海湾酒店,上图就是我从那儿的顶楼私人空间眺望拉斯维加斯的街景。
The military junta has also been reportedly deploying missiles to ethnic states: Kachin, Shan State and Mandalay division. 目前军政府已部署导弹在民族邦地区:克钦邦,掸邦和曼德勒省。
The size and grandeur of this example suggest that it was used at royal court in Mandalay. 宏伟的规模和这个例子表明,它是在曼德勒用在皇家法庭。
They include a spectacular two-metre-high shrine from Burma's royal palace at Mandalay, replete with sacred geese and a chest containing a volume of scripture. 藏品中包括一座蔚为壮观的两米高的佛龛,这座来自缅甸曼德勒皇宫的佛龛上雕有许多神鹅,还附带一只装有一卷经文的箱子。
Myanmar is a country of tea shops and there are several fast food centres and snack bars in Yangon and mandalay. 缅甸有许多茶叶店,在仰光和曼德勒有几家快餐中心和快餐吧。
Telephones fax facilities are available in most hotels in Yangon and Mandalay but charges are quite expensive. 在仰光和曼德勒的大多数饭店或酒店都具备电话和传真设施服务,不过收费却相当地高。
Mandalay's grimy disarray belies its role as Burma's cultural and religious centre of Buddhism. 曼德勒的肮脏无序掩盖了它作为缅甸文化中心和佛教圣地的地位。
These Health Moments were submitted by Mandalay Entertainment for consideration for the 2004 awards. 获奖的「健康短讯」由曼德勒娱乐制作集团递交参加2004年的甄选。
Half an hour drives from mandalay. 从曼德勒驱车约半小时到达。
Several neighborhoods in Maymyo, a resort town in Mandalay Division, were also hit by floods. 曼德勒省的一个度假胜地麦缪,几个居民区也遭到了洪水。
A well known Mandalay woman writer on social issues said Burmese should be free to marry whomever they wished. 一个曼德勒的知名社会问题专栏女作家说,缅甸女人应享有与任何人结婚的自主权。
Meikthila Grounding Training Base in Mandalay Division; 曼德勒省美迪拉地勤训练基地;
Many years ago, I led a group of pilgrims from Shwebo to visit pagodas in Mandalay and Rangoon. 多年以前,我领一个朝圣团从雪布去曼德勒参观佛塔。
The UN's World Food Programme said that army chiefs in Mandalay briefly restricted its much-needed food supplies. 联合国粮食计划署曾表示,曼德勒的军方指挥官们暂时禁止了其急需的粮食供应。
Among these developments include The Venetian, Mandalay Bay, and Paris Las Vegas. 在这些发展包括威尼斯人,曼德勒海湾和巴黎拉斯维加斯。
The Hacienda Hotel was imploded in1996 to make room for the gigantic Mandalay Bay Resort. 该庄园酒店是在1996年破裂,使度假村空间巨大的曼德勒湾。
Myitkyina is the Union of Myanmar's Kachin State capital, 919 miles from Yangon, 487 miles from Mandalay. 密支那是缅甸联邦之克钦邦的首府,距仰光919英里,距曼德勒487英里。
Residents of Mandalay, Myanmar, participate in the Water Throwing festival marking the Buddhist new year. 缅甸曼德勒市的居民正举行泼水节,这象征佛教的新年。
Night turns to dawn's sickly half light and Mandalay begins to wake up. 天色从深夜转成萎靡的半色天光,曼德勒从睡梦中苏醒。
In the first half of this year, China Yunnan Airline opened air service from Kunming to Mandalay and increased the frequency on the route Kunming-Vientiane. 今年上半年中国云南航空公司还开通了昆明-曼德勒航线并增加了昆明-万象航线班次。
Here at the Mandalay Bay event center in Las vegas. 这里是曼德勒路洛杉机赛事中心。
It is very difficult to become part of Mandalay's supply chain. 想要挤进M公司供应链的窄门,是非常困难的一件事。
The picture shows team appealing for resistance against Japan on the streets of Mandalay. 图为工作队高举队旗在曼德勒市街头宣传抗日。
This is the first themed resort in the city, which is operated by the Mandalay Resort Group. 这是第一主题渡假,在城,它是由缅甸曼德勒度假集团。
One is the building the Sino-Burmese oil pipeline& make the Sittwe as a starting point, through the pipeline through Mandalay, Ruili and arrive in Kunming at last. 而目前出现了两条新的原油运输通道:一是在建的中缅输油管道,以缅甸的实兑港为起点,通过输油管线经过曼德勒、瑞丽,最后到达中国昆明。
Block D is located in the west of Mandalay which is the second largest city in central Myanmar. 缅甸D区块地理位置位于缅甸中部第二大城市曼德勒市以西,行政区划属实皆省。