Mansell will race at average speeds approaching 200mph. 曼塞尔将以接近每小时200英里的平均车速参赛。
The team have really worked hard and Mansell is enjoying the fruits of that labour 这支队伍真正付出了辛劳,而曼塞尔正在享受着这种辛劳的成果。
That was enough to give Mansell an unassailable lead 那足以让曼塞尔获得别人无法撼动的领先地位。
Remember Silverstone'91, when Nigel Mansell gave Ayrton Senna a lift? 还记得91年曼赛尔也给塞纳搭车来着咩?
Take two world champions for instance: Niger Mansell got the title in his40s. 举两个世界冠军的例子:曼塞尔40岁的时候获得了冠军头衔。
"In my experience of digital advertising this is the biggest growth that we have seen since Google," said Simon Mansell, chief executive of TBG. “以我在数字广告的经验来看,这是我们看到的自谷歌之后的最大增幅,”tbg首席执行官西蒙曼赛尔(simonmansell)表示。
It was the29-year-old's fourth consecutive success, the first time that has been achieved by a Briton since Nigel Mansell went on to take the title in1992. 这是这位29岁的英国人的连续第四次胜利,也是继1992年曼塞尔后第一位英国人获此连胜。