Marcus was handsome, dynamic and ambitious. 马库斯仪表堂堂,精力充沛且雄心勃勃。
Marcus kept making insinuating remarks 马库斯一直在说些含沙射影的话。
Marcus remained placid in the face of her outburst. 马库斯面对她的发作保持平静。
Marcus has been most unkind to me today 马库斯今天对我非常无礼。
Seeing Marcus at that moment was a great tonic 在那一刻见到马库斯是非常令人兴奋的事。
The executive's meeting had finished and Sir Marcus had reported its conclusions to the prime minister via Richard Ryder. 领导层会议已经结束,马库斯爵士已通过理查德·赖德把会议结论报告给了首相。
Trumpeter Marcus Belgrave ran a jazz workshop for young artists 小号手马库斯·贝尔格雷夫为年轻艺术家办了一个爵士乐研习班。
At this point, both Marcus and Jason have saved changes to the same file. 此时,Chris和Jamie都将更改保存到了同一个文件。
Marcus stood up, muttering incoherently. 马库斯站了起来,前言不搭后语地嘟哝着。
Warnings have also been I ued for the Marcus, Wake and Midway Islands. 马库斯岛、克岛和中途岛也收到了海啸预警。
Marcus: You go ahead. I'm full! 马卡斯:你吃吧,我吃饱了!
I know I am. colour's a state of mind, marcus. 我知道我是颜色只是一种心态马可斯。
Marcus: What happened to your radio? Did it break? 马克斯:你的收音机怎么了?坏了吗?
Gooden has18 rebounds fighting Zach Randolph and Marcus Camby, but soon is lost with a sprained ankle again. 古登在同扎克·兰多夫和马库斯·坎比的纠缠中摘下18个篮板,但是随后又因为脚踝扭伤,而消失。
Marcus: I hate this place. I need a drastic career change. 马卡斯:我讨厌这地方,我要彻底改变事业。
Marcus, I know what they call them. 马库斯,我知道他们怎么这么叫这帮人。
She had a fling with Marcus last year. 她去年和马库斯放纵了一阵。
Hey marcus, where were you? We've been expecting you all night. 唏,马吉斯,你去了哪儿?我们整晚等着你。
Marcus was obviously upset by what you said. 显然,你的话引起了马库斯的烦恼。
Alfred Nobel had one odd thing in common with Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway and Marcus Garvey. 诺贝尔先生跟马克·吐温、海明威和马库斯·加维有一个共同之处。
Marcus is not very happy with me right now. 最近马库斯和我之间不是很愉快。
There were six of them originally, but Marcus lost his mate in a battle. 最初他们共有六个人,后来在一场战斗中马库斯失去了他的伴侣。
Willie, it's marcus. it's that time of year again. 维力,我是马科斯,又到时候了。
Marcus winked at me knowingly. 马库斯会意地向我眨了眨了眼。
Marcus: thinking what I'll do when I win the lottery tonight. 马卡斯:我在想今晚中了彩券后会做什么。
Marcus: that's a museum piece! You've got to get a new one right away. 马卡斯:那该送去博物馆展出了!你得马上买台新的。
I will not tolerate this any longer, marcus. 我忍无可忍了,马可士。
Marcus, you want to show her some stuff? 马库斯,你有什么东西要给她看吗?
Stop swearing, marcus! I don't like to hear you talking like that. 别再诅天咒地了,马库斯!我不喜欢听到你那样说话。
You know me, marcus. I cannot tell a lie. 你了解我的,我不能撒谎。