MARIETTA MCCARTY: The concept of God, the idea of God and all religious beliefs are respected. 玛丽埃塔·马克卡迪:神的概念,神的思想以及所有的宗教信仰都应得到尊重。
Later, as Martin marietta, it constructed the Viking Mars landers and the Magellan spacecraft to Venus and designed and produced the external fuel tank for the space shuttle. 改名马丁-玛丽埃塔公司之后建造了「海盗号」火星登陆器,到金星探测的「麦哲伦号」,以及设计并生产航天飞机的外挂燃料箱。
He thought he should stay up and read one of Marietta's books, but he was too tired and drained, and he doubted he could absorb any information at this time. 他想他应该起床,读一读玛瑞埃塔给他的书,但他太累了,精疲力竭,他怀疑这时候看书大概会连一个字都看不进去。
Driven by their passion for their discoveries, these visionary scientists spun off from Martin Marietta taking with them both their algae and their body of research. 在他们的发现激情的推动下,那些有远见的科学家仅带着他们的藻类和他们研究的身体离开了马丁。玛丽埃塔。
I'd never have gone to Marietta if I'd known! 如果我早已经知道,就不会到马里塔去了。
"I do business in marietta, a lot of business," he said. “我在马里塔做买卖,做过不少买卖呢,”他说。
I thought somebody told me you were in marietta. 好象有人跟我说过你在马里塔嘛。
The Marietta wouldn't expect me to work for nothing, so they will have to pay! marietta不想我免费的做事,所以别人必须付钱!
I intended to tell you when you came home from marietta. 你从马里塔回来的时候我就准备告诉你的。
It was a gray, overcast day and, as they marched through five points and out the Marietta road, a fine rain began to fall. 那天阴云密布,一片灰沉沉的。他们穿过五点镇走马里塔大道时,便下起朦朦细雨来了。
RTD and Martin Marietta will run two new express routes especially for Martin Marietta employees. RTD和马丁。马芮娜公司将会专门为马丁。马芮娜公司的员工启动两条快速通道。
Cryogenic Upper Stage Developed by Martin Marietta 马丁·玛丽埃塔公司研制的一种低温上面级
This article describes the Copperhead cannon launched guided projectile developed by US Martin Marietta Company, and its design features, operational capability, selection of trajectory mode, and launch and guidance. 本文介绍了美国马丁·玛丽埃塔公司研制的铜斑蛇制导炮弹及其设计特点、作战能力、弹道选择以及发射与制导方式等。