But Beijing isn't exactly Marin County. 可是,北京与马林郡终究不同。
Academy Award-winning actor and comedian Robin Willias was found dead in his Marin County home of an apparent suicide. 奥斯卡金像奖得主喜剧演员罗宾威廉姆斯自杀后的尸体在这里被发现。
Williams was found dead Monday in his home in Northern California's Marin County. 威廉姆斯周一晚被发现死在他在北加州的寓所。
The bridge opened to vehicle traffic on May twenty-eighth, nineteen thirty-seven. Since then, more than two billion vehicles have crossed the world famous structure between San Francisco and Marin County, California. 从那时起,已经有超过20亿辆汽车驶过这座架设在旧金山和加州马林县之间的著名建筑。
Picture a hilly marathon tracing up the crooked block of Lombard Street. Or mountain biking in Marin County, the birthplace of the sport. 试想在九曲花街蜿蜒起伏的道路上举行的马拉松赛事,或者在马林郡山间举行的山地自行车赛事&这项运动就是在那里诞生的。
A statement from Marin County Sheriff's Department said Williams 'death appeared to be suicide due to asphyxia. 一份来自马林县的警方声明显示,威廉姆斯的死因或为窒息自尽。
Marin Software Inc. says that its advertising clients more than doubled spending on Black Friday product ads, compared with last year. MarinSoftwareInc.说,其广告客户在今年黑色星期五的广告支出较去年增加了一倍以上。
Another person I met was Ros rio Marin, the first Mexican Treasurer of the United States, having carried out this role in the government of George W. 我遇到的另一个人是美国首位墨西哥裔财长,曾在乔治W布什政府中任职的罗萨里奥马林。
I then thought about the rest of my Marin pals, and realized that nearly every one of them is either running or considering running an Internet startup. 然后,我又想了想我在马林的其他朋友,发现几乎每个人都正在创办或正在考虑创办一家互联网企业。
Originally from Boston, Mr Stone lives with his wife in Marin County, California. 斯通来自波士顿,如今和妻子生活在加利福尼亚州的马林郡(marincounty)。
MARIN: So, Mom, how's the new play? Are you getting happy with it? 玛琳:喂,妈,你的新戏怎麽样了?你觉得还开心吗?
California program, started in Marin County, to build new sidewalks and bike paths that's getting more children to walk or bike to school. 开始于马林县的一个加州项目:修建更多的人行道了自行车道供更多的孩子步行或骑车上学。
Marin is at the forefront of what may seem an unlikely use for robots: providing the caring human touch. 马林率先体验了机器人超乎寻常的用途:提供护理人类的接触。
Classmates are silent, and then, Marin stood up and said happily: "The teacher, then we can leave to play go!" 同学们都沉默了,这时,马林站了起来,高兴地说:“老师,那我们就可以放假玩去了!”
And Marin just looks at them without even blinking and is not afraid. 玛琳只是看着她们,眼睛都不眨一下,也不害怕。
So, for better or worse, the deed is done: France's top sports star, Laure Manaudou, has abandoned Gaul for love of Italian Luca Marin, with whome she wishes to have a baby. 无论是好是坏,事实是:法国最优秀的体育明星劳尔&马纳多为了她与意大利男友卢卡-麦林的爱已经放弃了回到法国,并且他希望与男友生下他们的孩子。
"The government asphyxiates us," moaned Salvador Marin, the region's finance boss. “政府使我们感到窒息。”该地区的金融大亨,萨尔瓦多马林抱怨道。
This weekend, what is in all probability the world's largest pinball show takes place at the Bay Area's Marin County Civic Center. 本周末,什么在所有的概率是世界上最大的弹球显示发生在海湾地区的马林县文娱中心举行。
As we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge to our comfortable Marin County home, it appeared to me as though my daughter, the most hopeful person I knew, was not just tired but weary of life. 在我们驾车通过金门大桥驶向位于马林郡的舒适的家的路上,我觉得好像我女儿,我认识的最充满希望的人,不仅对生活感到疲倦而且厌世。
We never see Marin until her aunt comes home from work, and even then she can only stay out in front. 在玛琳在婶婶下班回家前,我们从来都看不到玛琳。在那以后,她也只能出到房子前面。
Police appealed for anyone who has seen Marin to contact them. 警方呼吁任何看见过马里恩的人与他们联系。
Marin, under the streetlight, dancing by herself, is singing the same song somewhere. 街灯下,玛琳唱着与附近传来的歌声一样的歌独自起舞。
The Golden Gate Bridge links the city of San Francisco with Marin County, California. 这座桥连接了圣弗兰西斯科市和马林县。
At the beginning of last season, some thought Reus was former Borussia youngster Marko Marin's twin. 在上个赛季初期,有些人认为罗伊斯是前门兴年轻球员马克马林的双胞胎兄弟。
Osberg lives in Marin County, outside of San Francisco, and communicates with Buffett a couple of times a day by phone, and then again via the computer, where the two chat as they play online. 奥斯伯格住在三藩市附近的马林县(MarinCounty),每天通过电话跟巴菲特沟通好几次,一起打网上桥牌,一边闲聊一边切磋牌技。
"Zhang Marin that the infringement risk, and only when the benefits gained through the infringement is much greater than the need to take the risk, will be to" mine at risk. 张马林认为,侵权有风险,而只有当通过侵权所获得的利益远大于所需要承担的风险时,才会去“触雷犯险”。
Ecological distribution& specious compositions of marin photobacteria in the central and eastern South China Sea 南海中、东部海区发光细菌的生态分布与种类组成
In this moment the spaniard Carlos Marin flounces into the room – he still had to tog himself for the interview. 经理人推算著,就在这时候,西班牙籍的卡洛斯马林急急忙忙冲进房间,他还是得为这次的访问打扮一下。
Part of living up here in Marin is meeting and befriending smart folks who have pretty much nothing to do with my business. 居住在马林,我遇到并结交了很多聪明的人,他们与我的商业并没有任何关系。