Roger Norton is dean of the School of Computer Science and Mathematics at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York. 罗杰·诺顿(RogerNorton)是位于纽约波基普西的马里斯特学院计算机科学和数学系的系主任。
According to The Marist Poll, whatever remains the most annoying word or phrase in conversation today. 39% of Americans despise the often tossed about term. 根据美国马利斯特民意调查,whatever(随便)继续稳坐最令人讨厌的日常会话用语的冠军宝座,有39%的美国人都厌恶这个经常被漫不经心抛出口的词。
About half of all American adults ( 48%, according to a Marist poll taken in December) say they are at least somewhat likely to make a New Year's resolution this year. 2009年12月份的一份调查问卷表明,有近半数的美国人今年都制定了新年决心。
The popular slacker term of in difference was found "most annoying in conversation" by47 percent of Americans surveyed in a Marist College poll. 一项由美国圣母学院开展的民调显示,47%的受访者认为这个带有漠不关心意味的流行词是“交谈中最令人讨厌的用语”。
So, thereby it can be pointed out that Marist philosophy is the Ontology of Social Being in this contemporary world. 因此,我们可以确信:马克思主义哲学是当代意义上的社会存在本体论。
Therefore, the process of cultural harmonization of Marxist philosophy with traditional Chinese philosophy is refined and reformed by Marxism for leaping forward to modernization, but also the process of regeneration of Marist philosophy. 马克思主义哲学在中国文化认同的过程既是中国传统哲学经过马克思主义的成功改造趋向现代化的过程,同时也是中国化的马克思主义哲学新形态不断得以建构和发展的过程。
The theory of relationship between Marx and Feuerbach is a very important question in the process of Marist thought. 马克思与费尔巴哈之间的理论关系一直以来是马克思思想研究的一个重要问题。