Friday evening there was a big crowd waiting in Budapest, too, desperate to see his ice show with Edvin Marton, violin virtuoso. 星期五晚上,布达佩斯(匈牙利首都)有一群人在等候,不顾一切地去看他和马顿的冰上秀,小提琴艺术品鉴赏。
James Cook was born in 1728 at Marton Village, Yorkshire, England. As a boy, he began to learn how to sail. 詹姆斯·库克于1728年出生于英国的约克郡马顿村。从小就开始学习航海技术。
Attached to the letter to Lord Marton was a list of his employees. 给马尔顿勋爵的信上附有一份他的雇员名单。
Marton Theory and Its Enlightenment to Mathematics Teaching 马登理论及其对数学教学的启示