Paecilomyces cateniannulatus, an entomogenous fungus and one of the predominant species of the fungi in a Masson spine plantation ecosystem, plays an important role on forest pest control. 环链拟青霉是一种虫生真菌,是皖南宣城敬亭山马尾松林生态系中的优势种,在松林控制害虫起到了至关重要的作用。
The optimum conditions for two stage delignification of masson pine kraft pulp were studied. 研究了马尾松硫酸盐浆两段氧脱木质素的最佳工艺条件。
Effect of Laccase Treatment on Bleaching Ability and Properties of Masson Pine TMP 漆酶改性对马尾松TMP可漂性及其性能的影响
The main components which can cause pitch trouble in the process of paper making with Masson pine TMP was simulated by using fatty acid, resin acid and oleic triglyceride as model materials. 以脂肪酸、树脂酸、三油酸甘油脂为模型物,模拟了马尾松TMP造纸过程中造成树脂障碍的主要成分。
Analysis of masson pine CTMP with XPS and AFM 马尾松CTMP的XPS和AFM分析
Impact of invasion of pine wood nematode on the niche of main populations in Masson pine community 松材线虫入侵对马尾松林主要种群生态位的影响
An application of Masson formula in multiloop control system 梅森公式在多回路控制系统中的应用
Growth model and cutting age of masson pine natural forest in Zhejiang 浙江省马尾松天然林生长模型及采伐年龄的确定
Pathogenicity of 9 strains of Beauveria bassiana to masson pine caterpillar 9个白僵菌菌株对马尾松毛虫的致病性
A Preliminary Study on Nature-approximating Management and Modification Techniques of Masson Pine Forests in Guizhou Province 贵州省马尾松林近自然化经营改造技术初步研究
Provenance Variation in Growth, Stem-Form and Wood Density of Masson Pine at 24-Year-Old and the Provenance Division 24年生马尾松生长、形质和木材基本密度的种源变异与种源区划
The Parameters of pulping and bleaching of CTMP from Masson pine thinnings were studied in this paper. 本文对马尾松间伐材进行了CTMP制浆及漂白工艺的研究。
Finally, the other fuel types of Masson pine plantation's surface fuel loadings were also estimated and analyzed. 最后对漳平市另一易燃的可燃物马尾松类型开展地表可燃物负荷量估测及分析。
Effect of Meteorological Factors on Areas of Masson Pine Caterpillar 气象因子对马尾松毛虫发生面积的影响
Research of Improving the Alphacellulose Content of Dissolving Pulp from Masson Pine 提高马尾松木纤维用浆粕中甲纤含量的研究
By the statistical analysis method, the authors researched the growth model and cutting age of masson pine natural forest with the sample plot inventory data. 根据标准地调查资料,应用统计分析方法研究生长模型,并结合森林经营实际确定采伐年龄。
This paper deals with the spatial distribution patterns of the larvae of Diorycitria rubella in masson pine and loblolly pine using the frequency distribution analysis and aggregation indices. 应用频次分析法和聚集度指标法对微红梢斑螟在马尾松和火炬松林中的空间分布进行研究。
Establishment and Benefit Evaluation of Standard System in Masson Food Additives Company MASSON食品添加剂公司企业标准体系的建立与效益评价
Studies on Spatial Structure Quantification of the Mixed Forest of Masson Pine and Broad-leaved Trees 马尾松阔叶树混交林空间结构量化分析
Analysis on the Content of Shikimic Acid in Masson Pine, Oriental Arborvitae, and Star Anise 马尾松、侧柏和八角茴香中的莽草酸含量分析
Study on Egg Parasitoids of Masson Pine Caterpillar ( Dendrolimus Punctatus Walker) under Different Host Population Densities 马尾松毛虫不同密度下卵期寄生性天敌的研究
Morphological Analysis on Fiber in Masson Pine Kraft Pulp and White Water 马尾松漂白KP浆及其白水中纤维的形态分析
Effect of Complex Enzymes Dosage on the Property of Bleached Masson Pine Kraft Pulp during the Enzymes Treatment 酶用量对酶处理马尾松漂白硫酸盐浆性能的影响
Objective To compare the effect of collagen fiber staining between Sirius Red F3B ( SR) in saturated carbazotic acid staining and MASSON trichrome staining on rat kidney specimen. 目的比较天狼星红苦味酸染色法和MASSON三色染色法用于大鼠肾脏标本胶原纤维染色的效果。
Effects of eucalypt plantation replacing Masson pine forest on plant species diversity in Guangxi, southern China 广西桉树林取代马尾松林对植物多样性的影响
Study on the LMS Modification of Masson Pine TMP and Characterization of Surface Chemistry and Morphology 马尾松TMP纤维LMS改性及其表面化学和形貌表征的研究
A Preliminary Study of Germination Characters of Masson Pine pollens and Pollens Vitality of Masson Pine with Different Stands He sat on the ground which was littered with dry grass and pine cones. 马尾松花粉萌发性状和不同林分马尾松花粉生活力的初步研究他坐在地上,地上有些干草与松花。
The paper strength index of masson pine CTMP was studied after alkaline sodium sulfite treatment, the pulp fiber surface properties of the masson pine CTMP were analyzed with XPS and AFM. 研究了用镁碱代替钠碱的马尾松化学预热机械浆(CTMP)浆过氧化氢漂白工艺及其对纸浆性能的影响,分析了镁碱和钠碱过氧化氢漂白废液对环境的影响。
The component of entomogenous fungi community and the niche of dominant species in pure forest of Masson's pine 马尾松纯林虫生真菌群落组成及优势种生态位研究