Public Health Minister Michael Matheson claimed better education and cessation services were behind the increase. 公共卫生部长迈克尔·马西森(MichaelMatheson)称,在这个数字增长的背后,主要是由更有效的教育以及停止香烟的服务所造成的。
Jardine Matheson Group Managing Director and MINDSET Chairman Anthony Nightingale joins in the pizza-making session at the latest Mini MINDSET Day. 怡和集团常务董事暨「思健」主席黎定基在最近的小型「思健」同乐日上参与薄饼制作环节。
"Family pets, in particular dogs* need not be removed to prevent allergies, and in fact may protect against them," Melanie Matheson of the University of Melbourne, lead author of the study said. 「家庭宠物,特别是狗不需为了预防过敏而被除去,事实上或许还能防范过敏。」该研究主笔、墨尔本大学的马瑟森说。
It is a member of the Jardine Matheson Group. 置地公司乃怡和集团成员之一。
Does Matheson think folks get over one of those puppies? 麦逊是否认为人们也能逃过这些家伙?
Jardine Matheson Group Managing Director Anthony Nightingale ( right) speaks at the contest. 怡和集团常务董事黎定基(右)在比赛中致词。
The story is based on a Richard Matheson novel, and this is its third film adaptation. 这个故事是根据理查德马西森的小说,这是第三次电影改编的。