Testimonials abounded, including one from Konosuke Matsushita, founder of the Panasonic Company, who said "Youth" has been his motto for20 years. 松下电器公司的创始人松下幸之助说,二十年来,《青春》一直是他的座右铭。
Number one for harmony, Matsushita Electric. 和谐第一,松下电器。
Wasserman finally sold MCA to the Japanese conglomerate Matsushita in 1990, having run the business for 44 years. 沃瑟曼经营MCA44年之后,最终于1990年将公司出售给日本松下集团(Matsushita)。
Mr. Matsushita's portfolio also covered postal services, including supervision of Japan Post Holdings, the country's largest financial institution. 此外,松下忠洋还掌管邮政服务,包括监管本国最大的金融机构日本邮政(JapanPostHoldings)等。
A police spokesman confirmed the death at Mr. Matsushita's home in Tokyo and said the authorities were investigating the death as a possible suicide. 日本警方发言人证实了松下忠洋在其东京家中死亡的消息,说有关部门正在着手调查,死因可能是自杀。
Mr. Matsushita was a member of the People's New Party, the junior partner in the governing coalition. 松下忠洋是日本国民新党(People'sNewParty)的成员,该党是日本联合政府的新合作伙伴。
Certainly, matsushita's handling of its motorda acquisition looked very "american". 当然,松下公司对它买下的莫托罗达公司的管理显得很“美国化”。
Exporters Nippon Steel, NEC and Matsushita Electric Industrial among others have all noted that sales are slowing to those regions. 出口商日本钢铁公司,日立公司和松下电器公司和都注意到上述地区交易的滑坡。
We've captured a tension that distinguishes ITT sharply from Matsushita. 我们已发现使国际电话电报公司明显地区别于松下公司的一种紧张关系。
Students wake at dawn to jog double file around the adjacent Matsushita air-conditioner factory. 学生们天明即起,以二列纵队绕着附近的松下空调厂慢跑。
Matsushita made a considerable effort to pass on his company's legacy to each new recruit. 松下先生作了相当大的努力,把他的公司的传家宝传给每一个新成员。
Nokia is working closely with Matsushita and relevant authorities to investigate this situation. 诺基亚正与松下以及有关部门密切合作,对此情况进行调查。
As at Matsushita, there were strong incentives for an ITT manager to come forward on problems himself. 如松下公司一样,强大的刺激因素会迫使国际电话电报公司经理亲自解决问题。
Matsushita executives are noted for spending less time in their offices. 松下公司的行政主管在办公室的时间较少是出名的。
Matsushita pioneered the introduction of installment sales and the use of point-of-purchase displays in retail outlets. 松下带头引进了分期付款的销售方法,以及在零销点上进行商品展销。
Two years later the Chinese company Galanz started making microwaves and selling them for half Matsushita's price. 两年之后,中国格兰仕公司开始生产微波炉,其销售价格仅为松下微波炉的一半。
Finally, Matsushita promotes managerial continuity through long job tenure. 最后松下通过延长任职期,推进管理的延续性。
Matsushita viewed people as the critical resource of his company. 松下把人看作是他公司的重要资源。
Matsushita required that each autonomous division pay 60 percent of its pretax profits to the head office. 松下要求每一个自治的分部把纳税前利润的60%缴总部。
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co, Ltd, Japan You know, National Electrical Parts Jiangmen Ltd. has been operating well since its establishment. 日本松下电器株式会社是这样,我们江门松下电器配件有限公司自建成以来经营状况很好。
As at Matsushita, any manager could get to top; there was no palace guard. 在松下公司,哪个经理都可以找到最上层领导,那儿没有宫廷卫士。
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co, Ltd, Japan 日本松下电器株式会社
Form the outset, Matsushita did not attempt to pioneer new technology but emphasized quality and price. 从一开始,松下就没有打算开创新技术,而是强调质量和价格。
Matsushita has a great many accountants and finance experts wandering around in the subsidiaries. 松下派了大批会计师和财务专家在子公司中巡视。
The phenomenal growth that has enabled Matsushita to rank so highly. 松下公司非凡的发展速度,使它名列前茅。
Matsushita studied Japanese painting and graduated from the University of Art of the City of Kyoto, Japan. 松下在日本京都美术大学毕业,专攻日本画。
At times we saw this occurring at Matsushita as well as at ITT. 我们多次在松下和国际电话电报公司看到这样情况。
At the early stage, the Company produced electronic components such as deflection yokes and fly back transformers for Sony, Matsushita or Samsung at OEM basis. 建厂初始,本公司着力于OEM电子零件生产,主要产品为偏转线圈和高压包等,客户以索尼,松下,三星为主。
Company Mitsubishi Electric, Hitachi, Matsushita Electric, hung kg, such as the strong support of businesses, has the strength and capacity of the service is good we have each and every user. 公司得到三菱电机、日立公司、松下电器、鸿合公司等企业的大力支持,有实力并有能力服务好我们的每一位用户。
Mr Noda is the first Matsushita alumnus to lead Japan. 野田佳彦是松下政经塾第一位执掌日本的校友。