Johnson Matthey is a speciality chemicals company and a world leader in advanced materials technology. 庄信万丰是一家专业化学品公司,同时也是全球高新材料技术的领先者。
Demand for platinum jewellery in China is predicted to double to record levels this year, according to Johnson Matthey, providing a counterweight to the weakness seen in industrial usage in 2009. 庄信万丰预计,中国市场对铂金首饰的需求今年将翻倍,达到创纪录水平,在一定程度上抵消2009年工业需求方面的疲软。
We can import other PGM products from Johnson Matthey overseas company for customers. 我们也可以为客户从庄信万丰海外工厂进口其它贵金属产品。
Johnson Matthey Company: World leader in the precious metals area JohnsonMatthey公司:世界贵金属领域的旗舰之一
Pt-Ru/ C catalyst was prepared by H_2O_2 reduction in order to replace the commercial catalysts from Johnson Matthey Co. 用H2O2还原法合成了Pt&Ru/C,以期替代已商品化的JohnsonMatthey同类催化剂;
At present, the domestic automotive manufacturers and automotive glass manufacturers have been using the imported automotive tempered glass ink, mainly from the Ferro of USA and Johnson Matthey of Netherlands, the present existing domestic product acid resistance is insufficient and not un-stick. 目前,国内的汽车厂商和汽车玻璃生产厂商采用的都是进口的汽车钢化玻璃油墨,主要的有美国福禄和荷兰庄信万丰等公司产品,国内目前现有的产品耐酸性不够,不抗粘。