So far McAllister seemed to have passed all the tests with flying colors. 到目前为止,麦卡利斯特似乎所有的考试都考得非常好。
Chance McAllister lay crumpled on the floor. 钱斯·麦卡利斯特瘫倒在地。
Looking at McAllister they extolled him for his extra attempt to save the club. 看着麦克阿利斯特,他们表扬了他为抢救俱乐部所做出的额外的努力。
At least twice a month throughout the recession, headhunters have dangled job opportunities in front of Ryan McAllister, an actuary for Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. 在这场经济衰退中,猎头们每个月少说会有两次拿着工作机会前来游说麦克阿利斯特。
Faber also is a member of the McAllister Heart Institute at UNC. Faber也是一个UNC麦卡利斯特心脏研究所的成员。
Pepe Reina played for Barcelona at Anfield in the2001 UEFA Cup Semi-Final as an18-year-old and was beaten by Gary McAllister's penalty. 贝贝·雷纳曾代表巴萨在2001年的欧洲联盟杯半决赛中访问安菲尔德,当时18岁的门将被加里·麦考利斯特的点球骗过。
Guajardo's friends, Marlon McAllister, a41-year-old massage therapist, offered his car and came along. 挂加多的朋友,41岁的按摩保健师马龙•麦克阿里斯特,主动拿出自己的车,并和他们一同前往。
This kind of thing doesn't happen in mcallister. 这种事在mcallister从来没发生过。
Mr McAllister changed my life. 麦考瑟老师改变了我的生命。
Based on the universally application thermodynamic relationships, a new modified Eyring viscosity model is obtained which shows the generally better correlation compared with the Grunberg-Nissan and McAllister model. 从普遍适用的热力学关系出发,对Eyring模型进行修正,得到一个新的修正Eyring粘度模型。