The same McArthur that outfitted Filipino soldiers with wooden guns* what a genius! 同一个麦克阿瑟用木头枪来装备菲律宾人,真是天才啊。
General McArthur is one of the greatest heroes in the second world war. 麦克阿瑟将军是第二次世界大战中的大英雄之一。
"The DNA sequence acts as a decoy, disrupting gene expression and blocking resistance," says Michael McArthur, head of the John Innes research team. "We are putting genetic information directly into drugs." “这些dna序列作为诱骗物扰乱基因表达,并阻断抗药性,”约翰英纳斯中心研究小组负责人迈克尔麦克阿瑟表示,“我们正在将遗传信息直接置入药物中。”
McArthur ordered the evacuation of the city. 麦克阿瑟命令从这座城市撤离。
Thomas McArthur, from Whittlebury Hall Hotel in Northamptonshire, was "gutted" after his showpiece sculpture collapsed under its own weight. "I'll definitely not be back next year", he said. 这位沮丧的巧克力大师的作品因为承受不了自身的重量倒塌了,“明年俺不会再来参加了”他说。
The difference between MS McArthur and her countless imitators is the elegance of her writing. 麦克阿瑟女士和她无数模仿者之间的差别是她的文体的典雅。
Dr McArthur says the technology does not depend on knowing the genome of the targeted bacteria, because DNA decoys can be discovered through a screening process patented by John Innes. 麦克阿瑟医生表示,该项科技并不靠了解目标细菌的基因组,因为可以通过一种约翰英纳斯的专利筛选程序找出dna诱骗物。
Metallogenic character of McArthur River uranium deposit in Canada and some ideas for searching similar deposit in China 加拿大McArthurRiver铀矿床成矿特点及在我国寻找相同类型铀矿床的几点认识