Krock told this story to McCauley and asked him how much truth there was in it. 克罗克把这件事告诉了麦考利,并问他此事有几分真实性。
According to an Army news release that year, war hero McCauley received the Bronze Star when he fearlessly advanced under a hail of small-arms fire to restore communications after the German enemy cut wire lines. 据当年的军方消息称,战争英雄麦考利被授予青铜奖章,为了表彰他在德军切断了金属线后,勇敢地去恢复通信。
While these figures are likely underestimates, Dr. McCauley said that the difference is nonetheless revealing. 虽然这些数字很可能遭到了低估,但麦考利博士说,这种差距仍然发人深省。
Warren McCauley had shared some wartime stories with his family like the time he fell into a river and a donkey walked over him but he'd never told them about the bracelet. 沃伦·麦考利给他的家人讲述过他的故事,比如他掉入河中还有驴子从他身边走过,但他没有提到姓名牌。
The World Health Organisation considers this to be a very unusual event, said John McCauley, director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Influenza at the UK National Institute for Medical Research. 英国国家医学研究院(UKNationalInstituteforMedicalResearch)世界卫生组织(WHO)流感合作中心的主任约翰•麦考利(JohnMcCauley)说:世界卫生组织认为这是一次非同寻常的事件。
Still, there is time for humans to turn the tide, Dr. McCauley said, with effective programs limiting the exploitation of the oceans. 人类仍然有时间扭转局面,麦考利博士说,这需要制定并执行有效的程序,来限制对海洋的开发利用。
But there is still time to avert catastrophe, Dr. McCauley and his colleagues also found. 但我们仍有时间来避免灾难,麦考利博士和同事还发现。
Along with the rest of her family, Mrs. McCauley was touched and grateful to have this special connection to her late husband brought home almost 70 years after it went missing. 麦考利太太及全家都被触动了并很感激在她晚年能得到丈夫的身份牌。
Dr. McCauley and his colleagues argue that limiting the industrialization of the ocean to some regions could allow threatened species to recover in other ones. 麦考利博士和同事们认为,限制某些海域的开采利用,可能有助于其他地区濒危物种的恢复。
We may be sitting on a precipice of a major extinction event, said Douglas J. McCauley, an ecologist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a co-author of the new research, which was published on Thursday in the journal Science. 我们可能就坐在重大灭绝事件的悬崖上,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校生态学家道格拉斯·J·麦考利(DouglasJ.McCauley)说,他是《科学》杂志本周四发表的一项新研究的合著者。
On the other hand, Mr McCauley says: "some companies argue vociferously that they find it cheaper to employ skilled labour in say Germany than in China or India, when you take everything into consideration." 另一方面,麦克考利表示:“一些公司强烈认为,如果把所有因素考虑在内,那么在德国雇用熟练劳动力的成本,就要低于在中国或印度。”
Relaxing the rules for skilled workers could make European countries equally attractive and Mr McCauley hopes that governments will pay heed to the index and work to improve their score so as to attract inward investment. 放宽对熟练工人的规定,可能使欧洲国家具有同样的吸引力,麦克考利希望,各国政府会关注这个排名,努力提高自己的分数,以便吸引投资流入。
You ratted McCauley to us! How'd you know? 你向我们告发麦!你怎知道的?
Coach McCauley knew that forty years ago. 麦考利老师40年前就已经知道了这一点。
We simply cried together, for she could share a pain with me that only others like my close friends Elizabeth Taylor and McCauley Culkin knew. 邓波儿,一见面我们什么都不说,只是一起哭,因为她能分担我的痛苦,这种痛苦只有我的一些密友,伊丽莎白。