Mr. McGuire: I just want to say one word to you. 麦克尼先生:我只想对你说一个词,就一个词。
Jo McGuire ( Hallie Todd): Jo is Lizzie and Matt's mother. 约旦˙麦圭尔(哈里˙托德饰):约旦是里兹和马特的母亲。
She did not appear in the last six episodes, nor in The Lizzie McGuire Movie. 可惜的是,在最后六集中她再也没有出现,里兹的小电影中她也不见了踪影。
She is portrayed as a fun teen although her animated alter ego displays her true feelings from time to time including becoming rebellious, disrespectful and rude in the episode "Bad Girl McGuire". 尽管她的自我动画形象时不时地展现出她真实的内心感受,包括在“坏女孩麦圭尔”中的她&时而叛逆、时而无礼、时而粗暴,她还是一个可爱有趣的女孩。
Sam McGuire ( Robert Carradine): Sam is Lizzie and Matt's father. 山姆˙麦圭尔(罗伯特˙卡拉丹饰):山姆是里兹和马特的父亲。
Lizzie McGuire ( Hilary Duff): Lizzie is the main character of the show. 里兹˙麦圭尔(希拉里˙达芙饰):里兹是这个故事的主人公。
That is in no way in correlation to the cost of living or inflation, Mr. McGuire said. 绝对和生活成本或是通胀无关,麦圭尔说。
All the new builds are high-end and expensive and marketed to international students, said Colum McGuire, vice president for welfare for the National Union of Students. 所有的新建筑都是高端昂贵并且面向国际学生的,全国学生联合会(NationalUnionofStudents)负责福利的副主席科勒姆·麦圭尔(ColumMcGuire)说。
The room has become Ms. McGuire's favorite place to sit with morning coffee, or to look out on her olive and lemon trees when it rains. 这个房间已经成为了麦圭尔最中意的房间,她喜欢清晨坐在这里品咖啡,也喜欢在雨天从这里看窗外种植的橄榄树和柠檬树。
When she's in Napa her main residence is in Chicago Ms. McGuire does almost all her eating and entertaining outside. 麦圭尔主要居住在芝加哥,当她来到纳帕溪谷时,她几乎总是在室外用餐并在室外招待宾客。
The departure of William McGuire, regarded as one of the most successful company heads by Wall Street, marks another shock since a stock options backdating scandal broke in March. 威廉•麦圭尔曾被华尔街视为最成功的公司领袖之一,他的离职是3月份股票期权回溯丑闻爆发以来的又一起轰动事件。
The two met when Aaron did a guest appearance on Lizzie McGuire in2001. 他俩认识是在2001年,当时艾伦在《平民天后》中有一个客串角色。
They stole the idea from a book by John mcguire. 他们剽窃了约翰麦克格雷一本书中的观点。
Say hi to my new American friend, Lizzie mcguire! 跟我的新美国朋友丽兹麦戈瑞问好!
"They know how to take people's money quickly and efficiently," says Mike McGuire of Gartner, a research firm. “他们知道怎么快速高效的掏客户腰包里的钱,”美国咨询公司高德纳的麦克•麦古尼说。
Its annual revenues when Mr McGuire took over were$ 600m – but reached$ 70bn last year. 在麦圭尔上任时,该集团的年营收为6亿美元,而在他任职的最后一年则达到了700亿美元。
Growing up, Bryan McGuire embraced the anger that boiled inside him – emotions mostly directed at his alcoholic father. 长大后,布莱恩·麦圭尔开始平息心中深藏已久的怒火-这些情绪主要是针对于酗酒的父亲。
But once he became a parent himself, McGuire realized that forgiving his Dad would make him a better father to his own newborn son. 现在麦圭尔已为人父,他意识到原谅父亲能让自己成为一位更优秀的父亲。
Bribery hurts the least powerful. It is not consistent with human dignity for business to be conducted one way in America, and another way in Africa or Latin America, says Mark Brzezinski, a partner of law firm McGuire Woods. McGuireWoods律所合伙人马克布热津斯基(MarkBrzezinski)表示:行贿会伤害最弱小的企业。一家企业在美国采取一套做法,在非洲或拉丁美洲则采取另一套做法,这不符合人类的尊严。
You hired Darcy McGuire to do what? 你请了朵义。马贯尔来做什么?
In this paper, McGuire's analytical formulation is extended, which is just suitable for the former, so that a more general analytical result considering the above two cases can be obtained and the calculation precision and efficiency can be improved accordingly. 在对震级进行积分时,本文将仅适用于前者的McGuirc解析结果作了推广,得到同时可以考虑两者的一般解析表达式,从而提高了计算精度与效率。