John McHale, economics professor at the National University of Ireland, Galway, has argued that official policy can restore financial health in a self-perpetuating solvency crisis, provided a number of conditions are met. 爱尔兰国立高威大学(NationalUniversityofIreland,Galway)经济学教授约翰麦克黑尔(JohnMcHale)辩称,在自我存续的偿付危机中,倘若满足若干条件,官方政策能够恢复金融健康。
You know we had to do it, Kevin McHale says. 你知道我们必须要这么做,凯文麦克海尔说。
As Foye continued to struggle and Roy emerged as one of the brightest young stars in the league out West, criticism of the player and Kevin McHale, the man who engineered the transaction, mounted. 当弗耶还在苦苦挣扎而罗伊已经作为联盟中一颗最耀眼的明日之星崭露头角之时,针对弗耶和掌握球队运作的麦克海尔的苛责声不绝于耳。
"Research has historically shown that people who have self-harmed often have negative experiences because of the attitudes of the healthcare professionals employed to help them" says Jo McHale. 既往研究表明,有自残行为的人常有负面经历,因为帮助他们的健康护理人员态度问题。