They were snapped by amateur photographer Bill Mcintosh, who couldn't believe his eyes. 照片的拍摄者、业馀摄影师比尔麦金托什简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。
Somewhat resembles a McIntosh; used as both an eating and a cooking apple. 有点象麦金托什苹果;既可食用又可烹饪的苹果。
Some common fruit trees such as sweet cherries and McIntosh apples have to be grafted. 一些常见的水果树,如甜樱桃和麦金托什苹果,也是嫁接得到的。
Indexes of Shannon and McIntosh reflecting soil microorganism diversity were lower in intensive management C. mollissima stands than that in natural shrubbery. 集约栽培板栗林后,反映土壤微生物多样性的Shannon指数和McIntosh指数也显著低于天然灌木林。
The periods of the McIntosh classifications of sunspot groups and X-ray flares of every longitudinal zone ( from January 1,1987 to July 31,1988) are estimated by using the Maximum Entropy method. 文中将第22周上升段(1987.1.1&1988.7.31)的太阳黑子群和X射线耀斑按经度带作了极大熵谱估计。
The U values of McIntosh index were all above 1, which also proved the tree species in communities were not too many. McIntosh指数的U值均大于1,也证明了群落中的乔木种数不是太多。
The earliest version is 1980 Paris of the French edition, by McIntosh music moved and decided to make, dubbed in English, French words and modify processing, become the English version. 最早的版本是1980年巴黎演出的法语版本,金牌制作人麦金托什被其音乐感动,决定重新制作,将法语歌词译制成英语,并重新修改加工,成为通行的英语版本。