Apparently McLennan's theory, plausible though it was, did not seem any too well established even to its author. 麦克伦南的理论,虽然好像合理,然而即使在作者本人看来,似乎也缺乏牢固的根据。
When marsh& McLennan surveyed global companies with operations in Asia two years ago, for example, they found only a fifth had business continuity plans to guard against natural disasters or terrorist attacks. 例如,威达信(marsh&mclennan)两年前对在亚洲拥有业务的全球性企业进行调查时发现,仅有五分之一的企业拥有防范自然灾害或恐怖主义袭击的业务连续性规划。
McLennan defended his theory in a new edition of primitive marriage studies in ancient history, i876. 麦克伦南在《原始婚姻》的新版《古代史研究》1876年版中起而为自己的理论辩护。
Marsh& McLennan and JetBlue provide good examples of companies that took a no-holds-barred approach to brand rehabilitation. 达信保险经纪人公司和捷蓝航空公司提供了很好的范例,两家公司都不拘一格地进行了品牌康复治疗。
Which finally disposed of the last remains of McLennan's artificial constructions? The introduction emphasized the thoroughly evolutionary nature of modern astrophysics. 这就彻底推翻了麦克伦南人为地编造的理论的最后残余。在绪论中业已强调,现代天体物理学是彻底的承认演化的科学。
It is a wonder that McLennan did not discover in these marriage clubs, to several of which one could belong and which he himself describes, a new class of club marriage! 奇怪的是,麦克伦南在叙述这种婚姻俱乐部时,竟没有发现俱乐部婚姻这个新类别。
McLennan knew only three forms of marriage: polygyny, polyandry and monogamy. 麦克伦南只知道三种婚姻形式:一夫多妻制,一妻多夫制和个体婚制。
The two terms are applied so loosely and so imprecisely by Mr. Mclennan to the organized groups. 麦克伦先生极为随便地,极不精确地把这两个术语应用于一些有组织的群体。