Modernity and Figures of Subject in Media Cultural Criticism: From Walter Benjamin, Marshall Mcluhan to Jean Baudrillard; The Segmentation of Deformable Object Image Base on Active Shape Model and Image Invariant Features 现代性与媒介文化批评中的主体型像&从本雅明、麦克卢汉到鲍德里亚基于主动形体模型与图像不变特征的柔性体图像分割
Time& based art, as it is shown in the exhibition spaces is a cool medium, to use the notion introduced by Marshall McLuhan. 以时间为基础的艺术如其在展会空间里被展示的那样,是一个冷媒介(借用马歇尔•麦克卢汉引入的观点)。
But this analysis of McLuhan's cannot be applied on the most important electronic medium of today – the Internet. 但麦克卢汉的这个分析不能被应用于今天最重要的电子媒介–互联网。
According to McLuhan, hot media lead to social fragmentation: when reading a book, you are alone and in a focused state of mind. 根据麦克卢汉,热媒介导致社会分崩离析:当你读一本书的时候,你是一个人处在一种聚精会神的状态下。
It is the characteristics of instantaneousness, simultaneousness and rich information of movie and television media that make the "globalization" of the contemporary world more obvious and make the "global village" defined by McLuhan come true. 正是影视传媒的即时性、共时性、信息量大的特征使得当今世界“全球化”趋势日益明显,使得麦克卢汉所说的“地球村”得以基本实现。
The influence of Neo-Criticism on McLuhan 'communication studies 文学新批评派对麦克卢汉传播研究的影响
Read only left-hand pages. Marshall McLuhan did this. By decreasing the amount of information, we leave room for what he called our noodle. 只读左边一页.麦克卢汉是这样做的.减少信息量,把空间留给我们叫做面条的东西。
McLuhan is a name to conjure with. 麦克卢汉可是个有降龙伏虎神力的名字。
Marshall McLuhan was the author of The Gutenberg Galaxy and other important works about modern mass media. 马歇尔.麦克鲁翰著有《谷登堡星云》和其他关于大众传媒的重要著作。
McLuhan has elucidated the key role played by mass media in the development of modernity through analyses of the relations between media and individual sensibility as well as the concepts of time and space, implosion and global village. 麦克卢汉通过对媒介与个体感知、空间与时间、内爆、地球村等问题的分析,表明了传播媒介在现代性的发展中所发挥的中心作用。
The optimistic spirit and the tendency of technology are embodied in the media criticism of Mcluhan. 电子时代麦克卢汉的媒介理论体现出乐观精神和技术论倾向;
The Status and Contribution of Mcluhan in the Research of Mass-Communication Media 麦克卢汉在大众传播媒介研究中的地位和作用
No matter what writer's figure or faction or writing mode, It seems to confirm the predict of Mcluhan. 无论是作家的身份、功能还是书写方式,似乎都印证了麦克卢汉的重新部落化的预言。
Intuition on Medium& Phenomenological Method of McLuhan's Communication Research 媒介的直观&论麦克卢汉传播学研究的现象学方法
In the history of the development of modern communication media, Marshall MCLuhan is surely the most colorful theoretician. 在现代传播学发展的历史上,麦克卢汉无疑是最富特色的理论家。
On Educational Technology's Development: From the Perspective of Marshall McLuhan 'Thoughts 从麦克卢汉思想看教育技术学的发展
This part mainly covers the theory of the media criticism of the four important stages and figures of "Frankfort School"," Mcluhan", "Later Modem", and" Globalism ". 这一部分主要对法兰克福学派、麦克卢汉、后现代以及全球化等四个重要阶段和人物的媒介批评作一个理论的廓清与梳理。
This thesis tries to make a new attempt at analyzing the conflict met by the character and its doomed failure of his pursuit with the theory of Marshall McLuhan, the famous Canadian scholar on mass media. 本文尝试参考著名加拿大传播学者马歇尔·麦克卢汉的媒介理论对兔子所感知到的各种矛盾和其追寻的最终命运从宏观上加以分析。
McLuhan says that "the medium is the message", the born of medium which brings a new means and effect of communication, judging from medium itself is a kind of new information and knowledge. 麦克卢汉认为媒介即信息,媒介的诞生不仅带来新的传播方式和传播效果,就其本身而言,其也是一种新的信息和知识。
In Chapter Three, this paper analyzes the medium technology thought from Marshall McLuhan in detail. On the basis of it, it analyzes his thought that has the practical impact on the individual and social development of human being. 第三章,详细分析了麦克卢汉媒介技术思想的主要内容,并在此基础上解读其思想对人类个体和社会发展的现实意义。
Mcluhan chooses a new path. He uses the evolution of the technology as the criterion to judge the development of the society and researches into the history of civilization and society development from the angle of the history of technology. 麦克卢汉选择了一条与众不同的道路,他把媒介技术的演进作为衡量社会发展的标准,从媒介技术史的角度来考察人类文明史和社会发展史。
McLuhan not only has different general media research, but also has distinctive research on literate criticism. 麦克卢汉不仅有着不同一般的媒介研究,他的文艺批评同样富有特色。
The first part, the main research is conclusion McLuhan medium of thought on the basis of his unique literary criticism. 第一部分,主要研究、总结麦克卢汉的媒介思想并在此基础上介绍他独具特色的文艺批评。
As McLuhan says," The media is the message ". 正如麦克卢汉所言:媒介即讯息。
As the Canadian scholar Marshall McLuhan said: the media is an extension of the human body. 正如加拿大传播学者麦克卢汉所言:媒介是人体的延伸。
In the world we live in, which Marshall McLuhan has termed a "Global Village," every ethnic culture that evolved in the long forming historical period of its nationality has its irreplaceable characteristics, though American culture has occupied a strong position in the present world. 在我们这个被马歇尔·麦克卢汉称为地球村的世界,虽然以美国文化占据了现今世界中相对强势的地位,但是各国各民族在其发展过程中所形成的文化均具有无法替代的特色。
Reality, new media become the extension of the body as Marshall McLuhan said. 实然,新媒体的发展正如麦克卢汉所说的那样成为身体的延伸。
As the Communication master Mcluhan sayed: the medium is the message itself. 传播学大家麦克卢汉认为:媒介即讯息本身。
In Chapter Two, this paper summarized the research status of the technological thought of Marshall McLuhan from the scholars at home and abroad in terms of the analysis on the concept of medium and technology. 第二章,从分析媒介、技术的概念入手,概述了国内外学者对麦克卢汉媒介技术思想的研究状况。
Marshall McLuhan ( McLuhan, 1992) once said that media are the motivation of human society. 麦克卢汉(McLuhan,1992)曾说过,媒介是人类社会前进的动力。