Salim Yusuf of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada was the lead investigator. SalimYusuf是麦克马斯特大学(位于加拿大安大略省汉密尔顿市)的首席调查员。
In Hamilton, almost 200 students with different ethnic and professional backgrounds were the first students of the Confucius Institute at McMaster University starting June, 2009. 汉密尔顿麦克马斯特大学于2009年6月创办了孔子学院,首批入学的学生人数达200名之多。这些学生来自不同种族,专业背景也各不相同。
The study was conducted by strategic management professor Chris Bart of Canada's McMaster University and Gregory McQueen of A.T.Still University in Arizona. 加拿大麦克马斯特大学的战略管理学教授克里斯巴特和在亚利桑那州的A.T.斯蒂尔健康科学大学的格雷戈里麦奎因开展了这项研究。
Betty Boop Came Out at Hi Whether she's aware of it or not, the pitch of a woman's voice increases a notch ( becoming higher but not shrill) when she's flirting, finds a study from McMaster University in Canada. 无论她自己注意到与否,一个女人的嗓音在她调情时会不自主地升高(音调会变高,但不会刺耳)这是加拿大麦卡斯特大学的研究结果。
( The research) tells us that if you take music lessons your brain is getting wired up differently than if you don't take music lessons, Laurel Trainor, professor of psychology, neuroscience and behavior at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, said. 安大略省汉密尔顿市麦克马斯特大学研究心理学、神经系统科学和行为学的劳雷尔·特芮娜教授说:这项研究告诉我们,是否上音乐课会对大脑的发育产生不同影响。
She was awarded Honorary Doctor Degree of Canadian McMaster University in1990. 1990年获加拿大麦克马斯特大学荣誉博士学位。
A low voice is seen as dominant and the sign of a good leader, says Cara Tigue from McMaster university in Canada. 来自加拿大麦克马斯特大学的卡拉·提格称,低沉的嗓音被认为拥有主导地位,是优秀的领导者的象征。
The first anatomical study of Einstein's brain was published in1999, by a team led by Sandra Witelson, a neurobiologist at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. 有关爱因斯坦大脑结构的第一个研究成果发表于1999年,该研究是由加拿大汉密尔顿市麦克马斯特大学的神经生物学家桑德拉·维特尔森主持的。
General David Petraeus, who took command in Iraq in 2007, rightly relied on men such as H.R. McMaster to rewrite strategy. 大卫彼得雷乌斯将军(GeneralDavidPetraeus)于2007年就任伊战指挥官,他正确倚赖了麦克马斯特等人重写战略。
That is one of the findings in a study conducted by researchers at McMaster University. 这就是结果在一项最新研究结果麦克马斯特大学。
Now researchers at the University of T ü bingen's Institute of Scientific Archaeology and McMaster University in Canada it was responsible for deaths. 在杜宾根大学的考古学院和加拿大麦克马司特大学的研究人员都认为细菌应该是导致死亡的最主要的原因。
McMaster University: All things cohere in Christ. 麦克马斯特大学:世间万物在上帝的怀抱中和谐如一。
The McMaster Model View of Healthy Family Functioning. 健康的家庭功能麦克马斯特模型视图。
Problem-Based Learning at McMaster University: Curriculum Planning 麦克玛斯特大学问题学习法