He became the mainstay of the family financially, even collecting his father's wages before Melchior could get his hands on them. 他成了家庭经济的主要支柱,甚至他父亲的工资也由他去领取而不让他父亲沾手。
It was no wonder that Melchior's son, Christophe, should be a musician. 毫不足怪,曼希沃的儿子克利斯朵夫也应该是个音乐家。
In his drunken enthusiasm, Melchior conceived the idea of creating a musical prodigy. 在酒后的狂热中,他动了要创造一个音乐神童的念头。
Louisa, Melchior's wife, was a stolid woman of the lower class. Yankees haven't sense enough to know that you haven't any gentility. 曼希沃的妻子鲁意莎,是下等阶级的一个呆头呆脑的女人。他们呆头呆脑的,没意识到你这个人根本是没有什么教养的。
Melchior Krafft was a virtuoso, his father Jean Michel a famous conductor. 曼希沃是一位演奏家,他的父亲约翰·米希尔是著名的乐队指挥。
Melchior by chance one day heard his three-year-old Christophe playing at the piano. 有一天,曼希沃无意中听到他那三岁的克利斯朵夫在弹钢琴。
When Melchior finally drowned himself, his death was a financial benefit to the Kraffts. 曼希沃后来淹死了,他的死倒给克拉夫脱家庭的经济带来了好处。
Theoretical formulae deduced by this paper are extension and improvement with respect to theory for P. Melchior and Guo Junyi, at the same time, it is very significant to establish of high precision nutation's serial for rigid Earth. 给出的理论公式是对P.Melchior理论的扩展和改进,对于建立高精度的刚体地球章动序列是非常有意义的。