They ( the producers) did this double take, 'Oh my God, we are going to have to do something,' and I felt guilty, said Melling. 米尔林说道:制片人看到我先是一愣,然后恍然大悟道:‘天哪,我们必须得采取点行动了。’这让我感到很内疚。
For special events, Ms. Melling swears by vintage clothing. Unlike with current-season wares, she said, there are no preconceptions about styling or fit and little risk of another ( un-pregnant) woman appearing in the same dress. 参加特殊活动时,梅林很信赖复古服装。她说,和当季时装不同,复古风格没有款式或合身的先入之见,而且与其他(未怀孕)女士穿同一条裙子的可能性也不大。
By the proper normalization, all the four distortions invariant pattern recognition can be solved by the orthogonal Fourier Melling Moments. 通过适当的归化处理,正交傅里叶-梅林矩变换能解决所有这四种畸变不变识别。