It wasn't just a Beatles shag, either& the Merovingian kings of the early Middle Ages in Europe rocked long locks, and many others at the time followed suit. 不仅仅是披头士留着蓬乱的长发欧洲中世纪早期梅罗文加王朝的国王们也长发摇曳,(当时)许多人纷纷效仿。
You'll stay here until the Merovingian says different. 你得呆在这儿直到梅罗宾基恩发话。
Frank's Christianity Faith in Early Merovingian Dynasty 墨洛温王朝早期法兰克人的基督教信仰
Compared with the Merovingian dynasty, the process of Christianization in Anglo-Saxon kingdoms was repeatedly hindered or even backsliding, it is associated with that the Anglo-Saxon kingship is relatively weak. 盎格鲁-撒克逊诸国与墨洛温王朝相比,基督教化进程出现了多次受阻甚或倒退现象,这与盎格鲁-撒克逊王权相对赢弱是有很大关联的。