n. 墨西拿(西西里东北部城市;1990年人口274;850;由希腊人建于公元前730年;临墨西拿海峡)
In a new study from the University of Messina, it turns out that cats who live intimately with their owners ( indoor cats that live in a small space) mirror the lives of their caregivers. 墨西拿大学一项新研究表明,与主人亲密生活的喵星人(这里指活动空间狭小、爱在室内活动的喵星人),会模仿它们的主人的生活习惯。
Historically courtship has revolved around a man proving to a woman that he values her, says psychotherapist Tina B. Messina. 精神治疗师蒂娜说过,有史以来,求偶都是围绕着男人如何向女人表达自己有多看重她而开展的。
Chock full of Renaissance cathedrals, museums featuring works by masters like Caravaggio and ancient ruins, Messina is also the gateway to Mount Etna. 不仅如此,这里还有大量文艺复兴时期的大教堂、有珍藏像卡拉瓦乔这样大师级作品的博物馆,还有古遗址博物馆。此外,它还是埃特纳火山的门户。
Headed by Jim Messina, who ran the 2012 campaign, it has been set up as a social welfare organisation that will be strictly non-partisan and unable to co-ordinate with the White House, say officials. 官员称,在2012竞选团队负责人吉姆•麦西纳(JimMessina)的带领下,OFA被设为社会福利组织,严格保持无党派,不能与白宫配合。
The trip: From Palermo to Bari via Messina. Don't miss out on the historical streets of Barivecchia and the fantastic Norman architecture at the Royal Palace of Palermo or the Cathedral at Monreale. 旅途:从巴勒莫通过梅西纳到达巴里,不要错过老巴里的老街道以及华丽的诺曼式巴勒莫皇宫和孟蕾阿勒教堂。
The goalkeeper was signed from Messina in January and made his first appearance for his new club in the match with Livorno on Sunday, as both Nelson Dida and Zeljko Kalac were out injured. 斯托拉里是冬季转会窗中从梅西纳转会而来的,因为迪达和卡拉奇都受伤病困扰,他才得以在周日与利沃诺队的比赛中首发出场。
Taormina, on east coast south of Messina, fighting Messina. 陶尔米纳,位于东岸,墨西拿南方,正在与墨西拿打仗。
International Centre for Sociological, Penal and Penitentiary Research and Studies at Messina 墨西拿国际社会学、惩罚和教养研究中心
Montgomery slipped two divisions across the Strait of Messina one night against no resistance. 蒙哥马利于某晚以两个师偷越墨西拿海峡,并未遭遇抵抗。
We were lucky in Wednesday's derby with Messina, but it also proved that we are working well. 周三同墨西拿的西西里德比我们运气不错,不过这场比赛也证明了我们做的很出色。
Messina, NE tip of the island, main adversary is Taorminum ( Greek) 墨西拿,位于岛的东北的尽头之处,其主要的敌人是陶尔米纳(希腊)
Muddy torrents of water rushed through the Messina area, sweeping along cars as if they were toys and knocking down part of an elevated roadway. 携带泥浆的洪水通过墨西拿地区,汽车像玩具一样被卷走,并撞倒一部分的高架道路。
Milan have confirmed the capture of goalkeeper Marco storari from Serie A strugglers messina. 米兰确认了他们从梅西拿引进了门将马尔科斯托拉里。
A port city in northeastern Sicily on the Strait of Messina. 西西里岛东北部一港口城市,位于墨西拿海峡沿岸。
Even the day of Messina rained crazily, but the chram of princess filled Messina as well. 当天,虽然美西纳的大雨很疯狂,可是公主真是热力四射。
General description of design of Messina Strait Bridge of Italy 意大利墨西拿海峡大桥设计概述