I felt filled up with Michelangelo and a boy and bringing worlds together. 可我不介意,我感觉内心充溢着米开朗基罗的艺术和男朋友的温馨爱情,他们共同撑起了我的世界。
Throughout the ages, many great artists, including Michelangelo, created art on commission. 历史上许多艺术家,包括米开朗基罗,都是在别人的委托下进行艺术创作的。
He drew inspiration from Italian sculptor Michelangelo and other sculptors of the Renaissance. 意大利雕塑家米开朗基罗和其他文艺复兴时期的雕塑家给了他灵感。
So Michelangelo learned not to use his hands. 所以米开朗其罗也学会了不依靠他的手。
During the Renaissance, Michelangelo's vision forever changed the context of how we understand art. 文艺复兴时期,米开朗基罗的思想永远改变了我们理解艺术的背景。
Germinal ideas of the Baroque can also be found in the work of Michelangelo. 巴洛克风格的原始想法也可以在米开朗基罗的作品中找到。
Michelangelo's highly idiosyncratic style of painting. 米开朗琪罗别具一格的绘画风格。
Michelangelo did not learn to paint by spending his time doodling. 米开朗基罗在度过他的时光时乱画就不会学习绘画。
Rodin is the most famous sculptor since michelangelo: people love rodin, while Michelangelo is merely respected. 罗丹是自米开朗琪罗之后最著名的雕刻家:人们热爱罗丹,对米开朗琪罗则只是尊敬。
He was influenced by Michelangelo later on. 他后来受到米开朗琪罗的影响。
Art is an acquired taste& no one is born knowing that Michelangelo is wonderful. 艺术是一种后天养成的兴趣,没有人生来就知道米开朗基罗作品的美妙。
Michelangelo Antonioni's only American film, an atonal fantasia on the late1960s. 安东尼奥尼拍摄的唯一一部美国电影,一部关于1960年代晚期的无调性幻想曲。
Michelangelo? You know a lot about him. 有关米开朗基罗,你了解他很多。
Julia: I saw works from Michelangelo, Bernini, da Vinci and many more but I can't remember their names. 朱莉娅:我观赏了米开朗琪罗、伯恩尼尼、达芬奇和其他很多我记不住名字的艺术家的作品。
If you talk about Michelangelo using marble, he used software. 如果说米开朗基罗是用大理石创作,那么他就是用软件创作。
Experts are hailing the clean-up of michelangelo's statue david, half-way through the restoration. 米开朗基罗的“大卫”雕像正在清洁和修复中,专家们为此鼓掌欢呼。
Whether in painting, sculpture or architecture, Michelangelo's influence on the western art has been immense. 无论是绘画,雕塑还是建筑,米开朗基罗对于西方艺术的影响都是深远的。
The artist Michelangelo often stirred up the opposition of the contemporary artists of his day. 米开朗基罗经常会受到在他那个时代的艺术家们的反对。
In Italy, Michelangelo makes me so amazing, such many huge stone sculptures were all carved by him; 在意大利,米开朗基罗的东西令我惊叹不已,那么多的巨大石刻,都是他一点点凿出来的;
Michelangelo's a genius, beethoven's a genius. 米开朗基罗才是天才,贝多芬也是天才。
MICHAEL: What about Michelangelo or Picasso? Was it a hobby for them, too? 米开朗基罗跟毕加索呢?画画对他们来讲也是一种嗜好吗?
Just as Michelangelo created art for a purpose, we create software for a purpose-usually for a paying customer. 正如米开朗基罗为了某种目的而进行创作一样,我们也是有目的的开发软件通常是为某个支付报酬的用户来设计。
For example, michelangelo, Leonardo da vinci, picasso. 他们中有米开朗基罗、莱奥纳多?达?芬奇、毕加索。
Da vinci, michelangelo, raphael, and Picasso were all left-handers. 达芬奇、米开朗基罗、拉斐尔和毕加索,都是左撇子。
It is a study of the social and cultural milieu in which Michelangelo lived and worked. 这是对米开朗琪罗生活和工作的社会与文化背景的研究。
Is this painting attributable to Michelangelo? 这幅画是米开朗琪罗画的吗?
You may become a Shakespare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. 你可以成为莎士比亚、米开朗琪罗活着是贝多芬。
After infrared and X-ray examinations, experts proved it is the painting of Michelangelo. 经有关专家进行红外线和X射线鉴定,此画作被证实确为米开朗基罗的遗作。
We all have our own idiosyncratic gestures; Michelangelo's highly idiosyncratic style of painting. 我们都有自己特殊的手势;米开朗基罗极为特殊的绘画风格。
I have passed my hands over a plaster cast of michelangelo's inspiring and heroic moses; 我的手摸过米开朗基罗那鼓舞人心的英雄摩西雕塑石膏模;