Min-Min algorithm is based on an improved grid task scheduling algorithm 一种基于Min-Min算法改进的网格任务调度算法
An Improved Grid Tasks Scheduling Algorithm Based on Min-min 一个改进的Min-min网格任务调度算法
Scheduling Algorithm Based on Modified Min-Min in Grid 基于Min-Min改进后的网格调度算法
A Grid Task Scheduling Method Based on Min-Min and ACO Algorithm 基于Min-Min和蚁群算法的网格任务调度方法
Research on Min-Min Scheduling Algorithm and Improved Algorithm in Grid Min-Min调度算法及改进在网格中的研究
We first analyze the scheduling of meta-tasks in the heterogeneous environment, and then according to the load imbalance question in the Min-min algorithm, propose an improved algorithm that suits to be used in the grid environment. 文章对异构计算环境下的元任务调度算法进行了分析,针对Min-min算法可能引发的负载不平衡问题,结合网格计算环境的特点,提出了一种适用于网格计算环境中的任务调度算法。
For the task scheduling strategy, the Min-min algorithm is modified and the Trust-Min-min which enhances the validity of grid computing algorithm is proposed. 并且在任务调度策略中对Min-min算法进行改进,提出了基于信任机制的Trust-Min-min算法,提高了网格计算的有效性。
The experimental results show that AS algorithm reduces the scheduling span effectively and its performance is better than Min-min algorithm. 实验结果表明AS算法可以有效地降低调度跨度,其性能比Min-min算法有所提高。
We also study several classic scheduling algorithms and propose Mended Min-Min scheduling algorithm based on Min-min algorithm. 本文研究了几种经典的调度算法,并在Min-Min调度算法的基础上提出了MendedMin-Min调度算法。
In this paper, we have a research on modeling large-scale platforms and propose Mended Min-Min scheduling algorithms based on this model. 本文针对这一课题,对大规模网格平台建模进行了研究,并针对该模型提出了MendedMin-Min调度算法。
Some heuristics are introduced to solve such scheduling problem, including Min-Min and other heuristics. 为解决这一问题,已经提出一些启发式任务调度算法,例如具有代表性的Min-Min元任务调度算法。
In this paper, based on traditional Min-Min scheduling heuristic, a virtual deadline guided meta-task scheduling heuristic is proposed. 本文在Min-Min元任务调度算法的基础上,通过虚拟截止时间制导的方法来改进Min-Min算法。
This algorithm initiate the schedule with Min-Min scheduling algorithm, and then schedules the other meta-tasks according to the minimum transfer time of Data transfer subtasks. 该算法首先用Min-Min调度算法进行预调度,然后根据传输子任务的最小传输时间对元任务进行动态调度。
Based on giving a model of grid irrelative-task scheduling, a priority-based scheduling algorithm of Min-Min resource is proposed. The algorithm schedules the high priority task firstly, then schedules other tasks using Min-Min scheduling algorithm. 在给出网格独立任务调度模型基础上,提出了一种基于优先权的Min-Min资源调度算法,该算法首先调度优先级高的任务,其余任务则采用Min-Min算法调度。
AS algorithm overcomes the limitation of Min-min algorithm which pursues only local optimization, so it is more suitable for heterogeneous computing environment. AS算法克服了Min-min算法单纯追求局部最优的局限性,更适合异构环境。
Trust-driven Min-min and Suffrage job scheduling heuristics were presented, which were extended based on traditional job scheduling strategies. 对传统批作业调度算法进行信任扩展,提出了两种信任驱动的网格作业调度启发式。
A Extended QoS Guided Min-Min Heuristic for Grid Task Scheduling 一个扩展的以QoS为指向的网格任务调度算法
Finally, the design and implement of scheduling algorithm verification module are discussed, and the contrast of scheduling performance between Balance-QoS guided Min-min scheduling algorithm and Min-min scheduling algorithm on the module is gived. 最后设计实现了调度算法验证模块,并在此模块上对比了改进的算法Balance-QoSGuidedMin-min与Min-min算法的调度性能。
A Virtual Deadline Guided Min-Min Meta-task Scheduling Heuristic 一种基于虚拟截止时间制导的改进的Min-Min元任务调度算法
A Min-Min Task Scheduling Algorithm Priority-based in Military Grid Environment 军用网格环境下基于优先权的Min-Min任务调度算法
Therefore, HE Xiaoshan and other researchers brought forward the QoS Guided Min-min algorithm based on Min-min algorithm. 因此,HEXiaoshan等人在Min-min算法的基础之上提出了QoSGuidedMin-min算法。
At last, the research on Grid QoS is applied to scheduling heuristics to improve on Min-Min algorithm. 将网格QoS的分层和测量运用到网格资源调度算法中,改进了现有的Min-Min算法,并进行了仿真实验。
The results showed that: Fast-Balance algorithm has good performance, and can receive better Min-Min, Max-Min algorithm scheduling results. 结果表明:快速平衡算法具有很好的性能,并且能得到比Min-Min、Max-Min算法更优的调度结果。
At the same time, in order to balance the load of system and shorten the smallest time for completing the tasks and improve scheduling efficiency, A Divided Min-Min algorithm is proposed. 4. 同时为有效地平衡系统负载,缩短任务的最小完成时间,提高调度效率提出了Dmm算法。
According to the different characters of the MCT and the Min-min, the trust value zone is divided into several regions by different rules and the tasks are mapped to the resources in the same trust value region. 算法分别根据MCT和Min-min的不同特性,采用不同的划分机制划分信任值区间,对同一信任值区域的任务和资源进行匹配。
Through experimental comparison in improved ant colony algorithm, basic ant colony algorithm and min-min scheduling algorithm, we found the algorithm proposed can effectively shorten the grid task completion time span and improve the load balancing of grid. 通过对改进蚁群算法,基本蚁群算法和min-min调度算法进行实验对比,发现本文提出的算法能够有效地缩短网格的任务完成时间跨度,改善网格的负载均衡情况。
This paper designs a task Scheduling algorithm applicable to gird environment, aims at solving problem of loading unbalance of Min-min method. 针对Min-min算法可能引起负载不平衡问题,设计了一种适用于网格环境的任务调度算法。